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Will Hangin Saddam solve any problems?
10 November 2006 00:35
From BBC:
Mubarak warns on Saddam hanging
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned that hanging former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein will lead to even more bloodshed in Iraq.
A Baghdad court condemned Saddam Hussein to death on Sunday for the killing of 148 Shia Muslims after a 1982 assassination attempt against him.
Mr Mubarak said hanging the former president would only deepen sectarian and ethnic conflicts between Iraqis.
They are the first public comments on the sentence by an Arab leader.
"Carrying out this verdict will explode violence like waterfalls in Iraq," Mr Mubarak is quoted as saying by Egyptian state-run newspapers.
A long-time critic of Saddam Hussein and ally of the US, Mr Mubarak and other Arab leaders are alarmed by the relentless violence in the country.

I agree with Mobarak, it will not only create more bloodshed, but a big rift between the groups in Iraq that will be fuelled for decades. Sunnis will never forgive Shiaa the killing of their president. And I’m no fan of Saddam by the way.
10 November 2006 08:54
Mubarak,Saddam and others deserve not to be killed but jailed for life.
I am against the death penalty.
10 November 2006 09:38
And I agree with you Krim, and that list could get even longer. but do you see what kind of chaos this will live that country in?
10 November 2006 13:17
Bad idea to hang him, a life sentence would be a much better solution. For him, it would be like "now, go to your cell and think about what you did..."smiling smiley
for any other "would be" dictator, he would be a reminder of how it could end up.

Besides, the longer he stays alive, the better the chances he'll start talking about who were his supporters, maybe even sell his memoirs with tawdry details about his love affair with the CIA and the neocons.
But then again, that's why they'll probably hurry to shut him up.
10 November 2006 14:03
That's right Chelhman, For the US... he better be killed. No way they are going to keep him alive and then one day let the world know the deals he had with the american (i.e. warmonger Rumsey!). that's another Nuremberg-style.
10 November 2006 19:52
I think that hanging Saddam will not lead to any more violence because the Iraqi people are fed up with much vioelence in their beloved country. The most important now is to think in how to unite the factions and sit on the conference table and solve problems with wisdom and prudence. The death of Saddam will not make any difference as the Iraqi are not having it in their daily first preocupation.Hosni Mubarak can say whatever he wants because for me his saying is nonsense.
11 November 2006 02:25
inchallah the same will happened to , abdullah adbdullah, kadafi mobarak, zeen la3beden, mohammed VI, ali ben abdellah, .......
who I'm kidding, the Arab nation are like sheeps can’t defend them self and they can change anything at all, second all they are after is fashion and the news of super starts ....... whoring business
12 November 2006 18:27
I'm basically against death penalty unless it regards child killing on which I'm adamant.
A photo of a kurd gas victim child I saw in the papers this is back a dozen of years is indelibly printed on my mind.
Only for this reason Saddam should be sent to the gallows.

Looking at him on his TV trail with the coran in hand makes me feel sick. He shouldn't touch it, the same hand that smothered a nation and killed children.

Saddam also deserves to be hanged to set an example of the many dictators that are governing some countries for ages. He should be hanged live and all the world media should attend.

It would be also better to invite presidents and kings of other countries.
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