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womes in france banned to wear nikab
24 June 2009 10:41
i ve just seen on the news yesterday that france has come up with a new law:
women are not allowed to wear (nikab) in the public placesmoody smiley
waht are your reactions????perplexe
24 June 2009 13:26
i think a scarf or hijab is allowed but the ninja outfit all black is not allowed for security reasons
europe uses CCTV , huge cameras everywhere shopping malls , banks and seeing people covering even their faces jeopadize this

we should not forget that two of 7/7 terrorists in London managed to escape from Heathrow airport undetected after bombing the trains wearing the Niqab

so if it s allowed it will be used even by man for bank robbery , terrorist attacks , easily a person could hide bombs , and knives under the ninja uniform

i think gradually these laws will be introduced in europe
24 June 2009 14:15
yes i m with you mate but did you see how did mr sarkozy describe it:
as a prison and isolation from society and lack of freedomCensored
which is not trueAre you crazy
24 June 2009 16:16

yes i m with you mate but did you see how did mr sarkozy describe it:
as a prison and isolation from society and lack of freedomCensored
which is not true Are you crazy

Hi, what is not true ? Are women wearing these outfits in their majority free-minded and in sync with their society ?
By wearing that, they're basically isolating themselves, it's their right after all, but they shouldn't come whining when it conflicts with pretty much everything around them and society isolates them back.

Besides the obvious security issue, they're giving us a bad name and I'm sick and tired of them and their bearded husbands, so yes, Europe should pass laws. Remember that these morons have a choice, if that life style is so appealing, they can move to places like Waziristan to enjoy the full spectrum of that medieval way of thinking, but then again...Waziristan doesn't have free health care, education or unemployment benefits...They want to milk a system and spit on it at the same time.
24 June 2009 17:02
well well....
i dont know what to say i dont wear hijab myself
but i sympathise with these women cause they must be suffering from all of thisHeu
24 June 2009 17:11
France is their country, no need for them to move to Wasiristan or KSA. Your speech is "borderline" you seem like an "extremist secularist".


Waziristan doesn't have free health care, education or unemployment benefits...They want to milk a system and spit on it at the same time.

Racist speech, Le Pen and others have the same : muslims are unployed, they eat french bread.

Don't afraid for the "bad name" or the "brand", your speech is sifficient for distinguish yourself. Laka dinouk wa lahounna dinuhunna.
24 June 2009 17:16
ok guys
no need to argueHeu
the reason why i brought this topic because it was on the news yesterday and personally i didnt like the way mr sarkozy talked about muslims that s allangry smiley
24 June 2009 17:20
'Afwan sister. My reply was for Chelhman not for you at all.
24 June 2009 17:23
yes i know mateBye
24 June 2009 17:37

France is their country, no need for them to move to Wasiristan or KSA. Your speech is "borderline" you seem like an "extremist secularist".

Let's not kid ourselves, do you seriously believe that they feel french ? If you took a survey, do you really think that they would put France as their homeland ?
Applying for nationality is not just taking a passport, you adhere to a set of values, and yes, France is a secular country, it paid with rivers of blood to separate religion and state, so any breach into that wall of separation is taken seriously, as it should.


Racist speech, Le Pen and others have the same : muslims are unployed, they eat french bread.

Don't afraid for the "bad name" or the "brand", your speech is sifficient for distinguish yourself. Laka dinouk wa lahounna dinuhunna.

We're not talking about muslims here, we're talking about a political ideology derived from religion, do you feel these people represent you as "muslim" ? Do you like seeing that slapped front page representing islam ?
This isn't about islam, it's about insane people who decided to reject the society they live in and pretending islam compels them to do so.
If their medieval view of society was so important, was such a priority, why aren't they giving up the comfort of it ? It's not racist, it's common sense, they hate their surroundings, consider "kouffar" as sub-humans (they call them pigs, don't they ?) but are not so much into giving up what that society has to offer.
Please don't insult my intelligence by telling me they're french, they hate everything France represents.
As for "dinoukoum", do you seriously believe they would respect you in a society ruled by them ? Or even allow you to express yourself freely as a woman ?
I understand the need for defending the underdog, but do you realize what you're defending ?
24 June 2009 20:45
well chelhman most of these mobile ninjas are living on the welfare system of France as you said they are happy to milk the system the euros are not haram which is paid by hard working french tax payers
yet they try to impose extremists invention of Burqa on a civilised society

sarkozy did make it clear : France is like that you either love it or leave it , i don t think sarkozy is wrong in wanting to clean his society from this bizarre degrading ideologies, they need to tahnk god napoleon is dead , if he was alive he will ship every beardy and every ninja in big ships directly to where they belong

Burqa is not acceptable in a civilised society the best place for it are caves and deserts Cool
24 June 2009 22:08
That's laughable. We are in the middle of a colossal financial crisis & the only thing that comes to the mind of Sarkozy is to legislate on a problem that concerns less than a few hundred people. What a joke.
25 June 2009 08:57
oh thank god
here someone who can understandthumbs up
1 July 2009 22:23
That's laughable. We are in the middle of a colossal financial crisis & the only thing that comes to the mind of Sarkozy is to legislate on a problem that concerns less than a few hundred people. What a joke.

what do you expect from little sarkozy lol a small guy = small brain grinning smiley

2 July 2009 00:55
nikab thats old fashion now , men in afghanistan have invented something else now a big wooden box draged by two dogs , every woman need to be inside one if not she is not considered a muslim , let s hope this new model reach europe and we see it in the streets soon Angel
2 July 2009 08:34
you must be jokingNo no
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