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world dictators competition
12 May 2009 17:07
i am not talking about history , but current ones who are the worst dictators of the present times and who you voting for as number one and why?
i am just watching box office best 10 blockbuster and i thought i post this topic
top 10 dictators of the current worldgrinning smiley
12 May 2009 17:17
i m sorry baut i m not with you at all
would you explain yourself more?
12 May 2009 17:23
no worries i explain , nowadays a lot of countries are ruled by dictators who do you think is the worst and why bear in mind how he got to power , how many years he is ruling ..................
let s say we want to name and shame and give them the medal of a dictators who made his people suffer a symbol of injustice etc
so who in your opinion you wish to name and shame as bad ruler a horrible dictator

wach fhemtiOups
12 May 2009 17:29
hi there
sorry mate but i dont do politicsNo no
12 May 2009 17:41
who cares about other people, lets talk about our people.
numero ono must be kaddafi, that freak has been in power for like 40 years, a mssati motherfucker , an imbecile hakem blad.
number 2 is Mobarak of egypt, the laughing cow, he is trying to make his son jamal the next president.
number 3 is for sure the dictator of Tunisia and his whore, zine din abidine et sa pute, his wife controls all economics of half the country and he puts people in jail for using internet.
number 4 is Bashar Assad, he became president because his father said so in a socialist republic.
number 5 is Bouteflika, a president who refuse to apply to the constitution of his own writting, too bad he doesn't have kids, he would make one of them the next president, but for sure he will make his boyfriend the next president of Algeria before he dies.
number 6 Bahrain king, i think he killed his father to become king.
number 7 the king of Qatar, he deposed his father to become king
the arabs are the worst dictators..
i think king Abdullah of Saoudi Arabia, king Mohamed 6 of Morocco, king Abdellah 2 of jordan care more about the people.
but they are still kings not elected by the people.
the Arab world is a mess...
forget about the dictators of the world, most of them are Arabs.
12 May 2009 17:45
hi there
sorry mate but i dont do politicsNo no
salma, if you don't do politics, then go back to the kitchen where you think you belong.
not my words, they are yours.
be proud to be a woman and fight with your man, don't hide in the kitchen..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 05:46 by FreeThinker.
12 May 2009 18:04
hi there
sorry mate but i dont do politicsNo no
salma, if you don't do politics, then go back to the kitchen where you think you belong.
not my words, they are yours.
be proud to be a woman and fight with your man, don't hide in the kitchen..

mr free thinker, i think your statment is a bit strong , some people are not interested in politics it s a taste thing , a hobby , an interest thats all
regarding your top dictators i was surprised that you choose kaddafi as number one because that s exactly what i was thinking , the man is a nut case , he is absolutely from an other planet
originally he was just a soldier in the lybian army what i find insulting is thye involvement of his son in everything , his son will replace him after his death

egyptian dictator is an nother bad case , i seen his son on TV talking like he is the actual president , they are all following the footpath of syrian dictator , presidents who make their sons inherit their presidency embarassing sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 06:06 by marocain-09.
12 May 2009 18:08
AND I M PROUD TO BE A WOMANspinning smiley sticking its tongue out
12 May 2009 18:12
ahhhhhhhh remembered an other dictator:
sultan 9abousseptdri have his tv channel eye popping smileyit s unbeleivable he is thinking himself god , actually there are a lot stories that he is guy and his body guards bring him boys from other countries secretely whistling smileyi am not sure if he has any family or children never on tv just him with his turban posing and treating everyone like sheap

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 06:13 by marocain-09.
12 May 2009 18:18
i dont think its a very good topic to talk about
cant we talk about the optimistic things????Are you crazy
12 May 2009 19:25
Listen and listen very well mr Marocain-09, you and the rest in this thread
the only democratic person the Arab world ever saw in this century was not even a president, he was a prime minister.
He rebuilt Lebanon from ashes.
More than 15 years years of war that destroyed his country, he rebuilt the whole country 2 years.
not 10 or 20 or 40...
he did it in 2 years and he resigned to show the Arabs the real democracy.
you know what he said before he resigned?
Arab people deserve democracy too like Europeans and Americans expect.
Why should we treat them like second class citizens?
Next day, they murdered him in cold blood.
That's why i never mentioned Lebanon in my first post.
Lebanese people are willing to die for democracy, Rafik Hariri gave them that hope.
but the rest of the Arabs pffffff, they could give fuck as long as their kids drive BMW or a JAGUAR..
12 May 2009 19:35
free thinker you are a little aggressif calm down no need to be stressed it s just a topicptdr we are listening don t shout and don t break your keyboard
it s true most dictators are arab nowadays , they have some real shit in their mentality a love affair with chairs they are cling ons once they become a president they love it and they make sure they won t let go until they die , countries reduced to private properties
also we shoulkdn t forget some bad ones in africa like mogabe he is a cling on too
12 May 2009 19:48
AND I M PROUD TO BE A WOMANspinning smiley sticking its tongue out
what do you mean by important?
everything in life is important, life is more important than death.
you can cook all you want, the best food and the best dishes, but when your husband and your sons die in war who's gonna eat your beautiful meal.
maybe the invaders, your future husband and the future husbands of your daughters..
ofcourse politics is important.
12 May 2009 20:10
free thinker you are a little aggressif calm down no need to be stressed it s just a topicptdr we are listening don t shout and don t break your keyboard
it s true most dictators are arab nowadays , they have some real shit in their mentality a love affair with chairs they are cling ons once they become a president they love it and they make sure they won t let go until they die , countries reduced to private properties
also we shoulkdn t forget some bad ones in africa like mogabe he is a cling on too
dude, some people need to get slapped around like a crack whore to wake the f.u.c.k up.
but not you, you are too funny and too cool to get slapped in the face Football

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 08:11 by FreeThinker.
12 May 2009 22:01
Here is my lit:
1) The most powerfull Arab (insert name here)
2) The 2nd most powerfull Arab (insert name here)
3) The 3rd most powerfull Arab (insert name here)
4) The 4th most pwerfull Arab (insert name here)
5)-10) and so on
12 May 2009 22:20
Here is my lit:
1) The most powerfull Arab (insert name here)
2) The 2nd most powerfull Arab (insert name here)
3) The 3rd most powerfull Arab (insert name here)
4) The 4th most pwerfull Arab (insert name here)
5)-10) and so on
none of them is powerfull Kutchi, they don't have an ounce of bravery to go to war, they are too scared to die.
Fuc.k the arabs, we are Amazigh and have no problem to die in war for islam.
Fuc.k Arabia.
we will fight til death for Allah not for the Arabs.
we are muslim hamdulillah, but Arabs have to go back to Arabia where they came from, this is Amazigh land..
Allah gave it to us and only Alah will take it when we die.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 10:24 by FreeThinker.
12 May 2009 22:27
here we are discussing dictators NOT POWERFUL country you can start a new topic talking about power

what you mean with power anyway? importing rusty russian weapons?number of population ?
anyhowwwwwwwww thats an other subject

free thinker safi declariti l7arbe ? wa sir chreb chi kass mch7er dyal atay amazighien wbred sou9!
i don t think the lady said anything wrong, come on man throw the dictionary of war
in your opinion if a woman is not interested in politics her place is cooking eye popping smileythats bad judgement
chacun a son gout, she may prefer science , sport, health , art etc so think about it democracy is freedom of choice grinning smiley safi end of war angry smiley

retournons au sujet:
these dictators they have one common thing specially in what they wear
i have noticed that gaddafi , mobarak, zine dine al abidine , boute7zi9a like wearing white suits eye popping smileyi never understood why?moody smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 10:28 by whatsup.
12 May 2009 22:37
wawwwwwwwwwww free thinker , i told you before that you have some problems with the arabs
why you hijacking this topic to show your racist side , i told you million times , moroccans are all the same no difference btw arab , amazigh , or sahraoui
of course a lot of arab countries are ruled by dictators but it doesn t mean to be hateful and racist against arab , dictators are not people , so what is the difference btw your mentality and what the jews teach their children that arab s are insect deserve to be killed , playing little hitler in 2009 it s just hasn t got a place in any society, little hitlers don t have a land or have even a family they nedd to be isolated in a nut house to scream and listen to their eco s 24 hwinking smiley
you can deplore arab dictatorship but you have no right to be racist against a race or a colour otherwise i will be on your case evil i am amazighen a true one , amzighen who love their country are not racist hope this sinks in Coolletting amazighen extremist talking in the name of amazigh is like letting beardies extremists talking in the name of a whole religion
when you say fuck the arab , you are swearing at your fellow moroccan , could be your neighbour, your teacher , your doctor, a lot of moroccans have arab ancestors think twice before toxicating the atmosphere

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 10:42 by whatsup.
12 May 2009 22:52
whatsup dude
The only reason i like you and try not to spank your ass is because you come from the Atlas, otherwise it would be a whole different ball game.
I give an advice if you want one day to fight strong people at work, forget about here we are all homies.
Read the book The ART OF WAR by SUN TZU.
FC.K Michel Machiaveli, he didn't know shit and Tupac who took him for a prophet.
do you wanna see the real prophet of war?
read the book THE ART OF WAR
The day you really understand that book is the day not anyone even i can beat you.
it's the art of war.
Read it then try to challenge me mano to mano, we'll see who will win..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2009 10:56 by FreeThinker.
13 May 2009 00:40
but Arabs have to go back to Arabia where they came from, this is Amazigh land

read the above thats you sentence , you have typed it , i presume you thought before displaying it on this forum
so fellow amazigh re read it and see what you are putting your foot on ??it reflects that you are racists against other races such arab . whatever you try to divert the converstaion the use of that sentence is a tangible proof of your mentality d u understand ? as i explained b4 i am totally against that amazigh turn into bitter and twisted little racists with heart problems and nervous breakdowns

a true amazigh is not racist doesn t use belonging to a tribe as a way of classifying other moroccans
i will fight for amazigh rights as moroccan citizens , i will do my best that schools hopitals get built in all villages but i won t accept a racist amazigh to mislead people and represent true amazighen , i don t think moroccan soil is fertile enough to grow any seeds of hate and bitterness
so don t be narrow minded , be wise like our ancestors winking smiley
who s talking here about any fu c king war or art of war , what the war is good for ? killing others , ending innocent lives thats not bravery it cowardness
we don t need any f u c king war , what we need is to change the shitty mentalities , work hard , offer the best education to new genration , there is a differnet kind of war civilized countries prefer to do which is scientific reseach to cure cancer , inventions to make human lives better,
i will be more proud if my son the amazighen have a good education become a scientist and benefitted the humanity with some invention, thats the real challenge, thats something to be proud of not that he became a fighter a killing machine to his brother the arab for no reason just because this arab happened to have a different DNAwinking smiley

the real fight is the fight against pauverety , deseases, tin houses, polluted water ..................
and the weapon for this is intelligent brains and well educated ones not bitter shallow wild cat Cool atlas lions build they don t destroy

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2009 12:44 by whatsup.
13 May 2009 00:50
hey guys , what you are discussing is a different topic

could you pls stick to the topic which is dictators naming and shaming them

here is an other one : the north korean guy i can t remember his name he is a real bady smiling smiley
13 May 2009 01:07
but Arabs have to go back to Arabia where they came from, this is Amazigh land

read the above thats you sentence , you have typed it , i presume you thought before displaying it on this forum
so fellow amazigh re read it and see what you are putting your foot on ??it reflects that you are racists against other races such arab . whatever you try to divert the converstaion the use of that sentence is a tangible proof of your mentality d u understand ? as i explained b4 i am totally against that amazigh turn into bitter and twisted little racists with heart problems and nervous breakdowns

a true amazigh is not racist doesn t use belonging to a tribe as a way of classifying other moroccans
i will fight for amazigh rights as moroccan citizens , i will do my best that schools hopitals get built in all villages but i won t accept a racist amazigh to mislead people and represent true amazighen , i don t think moroccan soil is fertile enough to grow any seeds of hate and bitterness
so don t be narrow minded , be wise like our ancestors winking smiley
who s talking here about any fu c king war or art of war , what the war is good for ? killing others , ending innocent lives thats not bravery it cowardness
we don t need any f u c king war , what we need is to change the shitty mentalities , work hard , offer the best education to new genration , there is a differnet kind of war civilized countries prefer to do which is scientific reseach to cure cancer , inventions to make human lives better,
i will be more proud if my son the amazighen have a good education become a scientist and benefitted the humanity with some invention, thats the real challenge, thats something to be proud of not that he became a fighter a killing machine to his brother the arab for no reason just because this arab happened to have a different DNAwinking smiley

the real fight is the fight against pauverety , deseases, tin houses, polluted water ..................
and the weapon for this is intelligent brains and well educated ones not bitter shallow wild cat Cool atlas lions build they don t destroy
My text is very simple to read, very simple to understand and get the point through.
A warrior text.
your text is full of bla bla bla..
According to SUN TZU you have no chance to win a war against me, so you are an easy target for me to take out.
According to SUN TZU, i can take you out, no problem.
do you wanna challenge the master of war SUN TZU?
do you wanna challenge his philosophy?
do you wanna challenge the book ART OF WAR by SUN TZU?
I hate to fight my own people but to prove to you that SUN TZU was very right, Lets go..
but i assure you, you will lose my friend.
13 May 2009 01:23
free thinker you are fighting against yourself put back that book of sun tzu who u admire obviously and u r fascinated by , go stick your head from the window , yorika no tanks , no F16 , it s quiet just, just few owls flying and stars singing

viva maruecosptdrno donkishot dilamancha who s fighting windmills

marocain-09: desole pour les hors sujets it s not my fault it s free thinker he likes Tom and jerry animation so much i make him see few episodes the moroccan way grinning smiley
13 May 2009 01:46
hey guys , what you are discussing is a different topic

could you pls stick to the topic which is dictators naming and shaming them

here is an other one : the north korean guy i can t remember his name he is a real bady smiling smiley
You just sit in ur little freaking corner and shut the hell up.
This is an Atlas war, you're like a mouse trying to break a fight between Lions.
sit in your corner Mickey and your thread will turn to 10 pages.
so chut the hell up and mind your own freaking business.
we Atlas people have to fight, otherwise we will..
13 May 2009 10:26
you know what i m out of heremoody smiley
i dont think you re ok upstairs mateAre you crazy
just calm down and tell me what the hell is bothering youHeu
13 May 2009 11:11
you know what i m out of heremoody smiley
i dont think you re ok upstairs mateAre you crazy
just calm down and tell me what the hell is bothering youHeu

exactly, i think his upstairs is leaking needs some serious plumbing up there
i am not a plumber so don t expect me to sort it out for you winking smiley
as far as i know there is no war in the atlas try an other mountain i suggest kalimanjaro ptdr

talking about dictators Sudan general al bachire he talks some serious shit in his speeches grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2009 11:12 by whatsup.
13 May 2009 11:19
yes you re absolutely right mateeye rolling smiley
he s not thereAre you crazy
but hey who cares Heu
let him say what he wants maybe in that way he would go back to his reasonings
cheers browinking smiley
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