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Worth to be seen
30 November 2007 23:23
What a shocking video. Where is the Arabic outcry and why don't the muslims protest in the west like they did when Iraq was invaded. I think Sudan is more quilty in war crimes in Dafur than the Americans, but the arabic population dosn't care because those war crimes are been done by other arabs. This is typaically arabic doubble standards.
8 December 2007 22:40
What a shocking video. Where is the Arabic outcry and why don't the muslims protest in the west like they did when Iraq was invaded. I think Sudan is more quilty in war crimes in Dafur than the Americans, but the arabic population dosn't care because those war crimes are been done by other arabs. This is typaically arabic doubble standards.

I think you're right. I mean, these are people we're talking about. If Arabs and muslims want peace in Iraq and Palestine, they (or we) also have to protest against the war in Sudan. We are muslims, but I almost never see muslims helping others in need.

About the video: I think it's also propaganda for the US. It's obvious they only show this peace of video.To show how good the Americans are, but don't forget their war in Iraq. The U.S. is very guilty in Iraq. So we have to show the whole picture and not only the good things they do in Sudan.
9 December 2007 13:25
My post was not meant as suppport for the US. We love to blame the US (or the jews) for all our problems or most of them. But we are in fact the ones to blame.
9 December 2007 15:13
I know that, I'm not saying that you did that. For everything else: I agree with you.
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