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Would you change/Learn for/the language of your beloved
18 April 2005 19:31
She said : I love you
He said : I love you too (in her idiom)
She said : If you love me really bad, would you become christian
He said : No ***cking way
She said after a while : So you don't love me real.
He said : yes, but I love my God before all
She replied : Me would be a muslim just because I love you
He said, perplexed : oh yeah great ...

But the problem is what to do next ?
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
31 October 2005 03:03
I sure would change whatever possible, but not a religion..Love is acceptance of your darling, just the way she-he is...
31 October 2005 08:36
But imagine your beloved, is willing to convert to your religion just for the good sake of your prospective children so they wont be spiritualy inconsistent

Would you like that approach ? and try to make it easy for her ?

Or some questions would arise ? like if it is easy for her to change religion, maybe it is easy to change the whole personality in the upcoming future ?
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
31 October 2005 10:37
I can compromise lot of things but religion, no no no..
the way I undersand Islam. beeing Muslim make you christian too.
cause doing what islam told us, you wont break any rule in christianity.
That why Christian that became Muslim should be happy they are just hitting two bird with one stone.
31 October 2005 16:23
IT is talking about not your self but how u gonna take the step of your beloved if she / he said he is able and willing to change his religion for yours
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
31 October 2005 17:31
Make sure to explain that conversion has to happen for the right reason; being in love is not one of them. It might help bring undertanding about he inquired religion. When people convert because of someone, they may reverse course because of the same person...Just a thought
1 November 2005 10:43
you right Dayfallah,
I gues if that person is welling to change his relegion is nice. that means for you she/ he loves you. but does he/she loves Islam too. cause you have to make sure that, he/she are welling to do what islam askes to do, and weling to live by the rule of Islam.
i know is hard for anybody in the start, but if you love him/her you help her trough the preccess. And Allah will guide you through the rest.

2 November 2005 11:36
Good morning everybody.

Personally, the day i feel to convert i will do it with great pleasure but only if it comes from an inner desire that includes just me and me only.
I try to explain this to Fattah, to whom i should get married, since he always tells me "eventually you will become a muslimah" may be he says that for the sake of the children, but i would give the language, i would give the food, the music, the furniture in the house, but not something as important as a religious conversion.
I dont mind having the painting of Allah' 99 names and other arabic writings on the walls, believe me even in my parental house we never had a crucifix up in the wall, so my relation with the unknown above does not concern churches, Bible, Q'uaran, prayers, or calling God, Dio, Allah, Buddha or other sacred names but a special feeling that i have with, i repeat myself, the unknown above.

The basic thing here in interracial and interfaith union is to do what you feel avoiding the saying "I do or i did it for you" that brings only harsh feeling.

With my best wishes to everybody for this last day of sacred Ramadan,

till the next time
4 November 2005 00:19
Si appunto , sono d'accordo cone te, dopotutto dobbiamo mantenere la nostra identita' e nella nostra cultura, l'uomo non comanda...ricordardglielo a questi
musulmani, ma personalmente ho intenzione di fare un corso di lingua araba, solo perche' e' una mia idea e lo faccio solo per me stessa. Salutissimi smiling smiley)
4 November 2005 08:27
good to see the reconciliation guys winking smiley
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
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