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How would you deal with this?
15 April 2009 00:35
Salam everyone!

I just wanted to ask for your opinions/ advice about a situation I have to deal with. So I was recently accepted to PharmD programs in all the universities I applied to, so inshAllah I will be starting my graduate studies in pharmacy this summer. The thing is today I heard some really hurtful racist things that my college mates said about me. A close friend was sitting next to them when they were talking, and they did not know that she knows me. They were talking about how outrageous it is that I got accepted to pharmacy schools and that I don't deserve to be there because I wasn't even American and they made fun of me and on and on..
I never went through this before and I honestly don't know how to deal with it.
What would you do or not do if you were in my shoes?

Jazak Allah khir for listening!
15 April 2009 17:21
Salam Ex-missdoll
You 're not the first and you won't be the last to undergo such unacceptable behavior on behalf of your class-mates.
well what I would do if i'm in your situation is to keep quiet and study hard to get the best marks this way i'll give them the prove that it's not the color's skin or the origin i came from that makes the difference but the knowledge that i have acquired and the best marks i got. Prove them that you deserve to study in that school because you have what it takes. mark yourself with the good behaviour and patience.
you remind me of BenAzzi Abdellatif, the Moroccan rugbyman. When he was selected to play with French national team after he got French citizenship almost all the team rejected and ignored him. During a international match and it was his debu with French selection Benazzi reported that one of his mates shouted at him "PUSH YOU DIRTY ARAB". But BenAzzi said this wasn't to affect me or push me to give up. He said it was the opposite, it was the catalyst that made me work hard till i was able to become one of the best players of the team and later on was picked to become the captain. That's how i gained my mates respect and recognition, said BenAzzi.
Good luck Ex-missdoll
Bon courage
15 April 2009 17:49
it s only students talk , doesn t mean anything , just rubbish what they say or what they didn t say who are they anyway in your life ? the answer is smiling smileythey don t mean anything , if i was in your place i just ignore them and classify them as ignorants narrow minded ,let them bark they will get tired

the college and university committees are very fair true human beings , when they accept a student it is on his or her own merits , qualifications , intelligence

study hard that s your answer it is a very good opportunity so try to make most of it and acheive your dreams , the world is your oyster mate
15 April 2009 21:00

Hope you're all doing fine smiling smiley.

Well, regarding your concern, I would just recommend not to pay too much attention to those remarks.

Unfortunately, there are still some people who do not seem to use their brain, if they have one...

Just turn a deaf ear and a blind eye, that's way, you'll be happy!

Just focus on your studies and struggle hard so that you can be proud of your achievements.

All the best Inshallah!

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
17 April 2009 14:09
Dear Ex-missdoll,

It is really sad to see how narrow-minded people can be.
As the others guys said, do not pay attention to them and focus on your studies - they don't even deserve your attention.
You should be proud of yourself and just keep on going forward to become a shining star. There's much more important in life than paying attention to such nonsenses.

I do understand what you're feeling, but you are offered a great academic opportunity that will probably lead you toward a rewarding career.

Focus on your studies and your aspirations and may God ease your way to achieve your goals, Amine.

Good luck to you chick and let us know where you're up to smiling smiley
Cheer up! Clap
18 April 2009 12:04
Salam Ex-missdoll!

I would have thought making it to PharmD programs and being accepted by the majority of universities is a priviledge and an honour given to you by Allah, then who cares about the ignorants and the jealous.

It is Allah subhanahu wataala who gave you the intellegence and chance to make it. Go for it and do not forget Allah. When you have Allah on your side, the jealous eyes and words can not affect you.
I am not going to bore you with my story but I can assure you, I personally had this kind of encounters but I had very strong faith in Allah and triunphed over these people and their comments.

May Allah Bless and as the French say, COURAGE!
19 April 2009 22:44
don't let that affect you in anyway.. and good luck with your study
22 April 2009 17:27
Hello Ex-missDoll

Firstly, excus eme for my very bad English
I was really sad when I read your post, unfortunately, there are still some empty-headed racist persons in this world, I'll be short and I'll tell you : don't let anybody to stand aginst you and against your aims, you will study phramacy inshallah for sure, don't give these idiots a reason to make fiun of you or to be happy, you know they are jealous, you are bette rthan them and you deserve this so if you will go backward because of what they said, then you don't deserve to get in this colege, I mean, you seem clever enough to see that they are just jealous from you, you know, show them that you don't care at all and that your succes and your future are much important than giving attention for this, you know, ther eis racism everywhere in the world, if you gonna let these jerks to be a reason of your failure then it will be a shame..go ahead sister and forget about them they don't even worth to talk about careful, maybe this "friends" who told you so, just wants to bother you to discourage you or something, allaho a3lam anyway but in life you have to expect anything
may god bless you
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