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Your favourite land?
29 September 2006 01:42
If I were to choose where to live and say i could speak the lingo i would say Italy is No:1 kind people, fresh food, nice weather I can't stop
so what is your favourit land?
29 September 2006 02:12
Tough one ! I couldn't stay in just one land. I'd want to share my time between Scandinavia somewhere in a cabin tucked in a fjord, Casablanca because I love that city and a little piece of heaven near Tiznit where my ancestors are from, where, at night, when you've had diner, you can sip a kass dial atay b'na3na3 Tiznit, lay on your back and watch the sky with countless stars.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2006 02:14 by chelhman.
29 September 2006 19:16
My favourite, has to be Andalucia. Morooco in Europe! do I need to say anymore?
13 October 2006 00:20
If I was ask the question .. I would proudly say Morocco, whatelse s I can't see any better than the homeland. I am still and will always enjoy living in Morocco. ... what a country, I haven't seen anyting like.. regardless of what people say.
13 October 2006 12:16
I would say Western ...nice weather and great people...sadly it's a bit fare away....

hi chelhman,
I trayed this summer 'atay tiziniti' I must say that it's extremly strong how could you drink it? moody smiley ....but 'Mir Left' is a fantastic placesmiling smiley
13 October 2006 15:05
Hi Ilhem2,

It's quite the opposite actually, atay b'na3na3 tiznit is very sweet, they put a lot of sugar in it and the mint is of a mild kind. Must have been a counterfeitsmiling smiley, let's demand piracy laws on atay tiznit !
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