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zemitta (sellou)
29 July 2009 16:48
hi there
anyone who knows a good moroccan shop who sells zemitta in london
and how much for a kilo
thankxsmiling smileyBye
30 July 2009 04:56
you can make zemitta/Sellou at home if you have time, but you need 22 ingredients.

1-Zra3 (Ble)
2-Ch3ir (Orge)
3-Foul (feves)
4-Illane (Sorte de Millet)
5-Jeljlane (graines de Sesame)
6-Zari3te addallah (graine de pasteque)
7-Hommous (Pois chiches)
8-Assoja (Soja)
9-Zari3te al-kattane (graines de lin)
10-Ellouze (Amandes)
11-Cawcaw (Cacahuettes)
12-Habbate Hlawa (Anis vert d'Espagne)
13-Nafa3 Elbeldi (anis)
14-ElKorfa 3ouad (Cannelle en bâtonnets)
15-El Karouiya (graines de Carvi)
16-El Manta (..?..)
17-Aza3tar (Thym)
18-Al Gouza Essahraouiya (Maniguette)
19-Al Maska Al hourra (Gomme Arabique)
20-Elouiza (Verveine)
21-Fliyou (Menthe sauvage ou MenthePouliot )
22-Gouzt Ettib (Noix de muscade).

clean , wash and dry all ingredients, then cook them in an oven in low temperature before you put them in a blender.
Then add zit Arghan, butter and l3ssel el hore (pure honey) according to ur taste.

That's the way it's made in the MIDDLE ATLAS.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 05:08 by LibrePenseur.
30 July 2009 07:06
It might depends on where you're from, zemitta is not the same as sellou. Can you order it from Morocco?
30 July 2009 10:58
free thinker 7adeg m3a rasek ptdrare you sure you gave her the ingredients of zemittaperplexe

zemitta is it a must in ramadan ????? there are plenty other alternatives with more healthy goodness in them than zamamittes grinning smileywhich causes tickly coughgrinning smiley

zemiitta is it from the verb : i zemit , you zemit , he zemits , she zemits Heu
a very weird word

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 11:01 by whatp.
30 July 2009 11:12
hello guys
well zemitta is meknassya hourra
but thankx anyway
i found a site that shows you how to make it very easysmiling smiley
30 July 2009 17:43
free thinker 7adeg m3a rasek ptdrare you sure you gave her the ingredients of zemittaperplexe

zemitta is it a must in ramadan ????? there are plenty other alternatives with more healthy goodness in them than zamamittes grinning smileywhich causes tickly coughgrinning smiley

zemiitta is it from the verb : i zemit , you zemit , he zemits , she zemits Heu
a very weird word
whatp, wash tishab lik ana hadeg ghi fel Me3your?
Rani Maghribi bhalkom, ila jebdou lia nuclear war nejbed lihom my weapons of mass destruction.
wal badi adlam..that's for sure.
as for Zemitta, it consists of 22 ingredients, that's for sure, im very sure, unless lala Salma lmeknasia never saw her mother make Zemitta.
knowing that Salma fiha chiki i wouldn't be surprised, li tzewej biha meskine radi i3ish fi McDonald, ghadi imout bi jou3, matat3refsh tayieb Meskina.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 05:53 by LibrePenseur.
30 July 2009 17:54
bezaf 3lik
wachkoun galik a khouya fya chikievil
30 July 2009 18:04
wanti mdabza ghi m3a dfarek, m3a sha3rek ou m3a dfar dial rejlik, lyouma orange demain pink...and u ask urself why you can't cook?
The chicks like you need a sekhara, but why marry you if one can marry the sekhara who is humble and can cook Moroccan food.
2 August 2009 16:35
hhhhhhhaaaaaa very funny
well i m going to do zemitta by myself
what do you think of that?????evil
4 August 2009 14:33
hhhhhhhaaaaaa very funny
well i m going to do zemitta by myself
what do you think of that?????evil
yeah right, we will see, mab3ida ghi Tadla.
we will see..
Bnate Lhamria are like Bnate Anfa a Casa, fihom ghi chiki et lhadra lkhawia, and try to speak only french like they were born in Paris, you hear papa et maman like 20,000 times..
chicha and shopping...
wa siri akhti dorbi shi dawra, ana rani ghi 3roubi, lehmar diali 3andou ghi blassa wehda, ila rkebna 3lih bzouj, imout meskine.
wa siri jibi l'ehmar dialek outeb3ini netsab9ou fi douar, ounshoufou shkoun ghadi iwsal lelwad first.
4 August 2009 15:50
libre penseur et comment on prepare baghrire (amazighen l appelle 7artita)??smiling smiley
4 August 2009 15:58
and the MELWI please free thinker , the berber one not any melwi do you know how to make it ??
lmarchouche aussi

yallah ara mateyebptdr
4 August 2009 17:37
libre penseur et comment on prepare baghrire (amazighen l appelle 7artita)??smiling smiley

El baghrire

2 cups of fine semolina flour
2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
8 cups of warm water
2 packets of yeast
Olive oil
6sp butter..
6sp honey.

Dilute the sugar in 1 cup of the warm water and whisk the 2 packets of yeast in with a fork.
Stir together the semolina flour, all purpose flour, and salt. After 2 centimeters or so of foam has formed on the water and yeast mixture, stir it and pour into the flour mixture.
Blend the mixture with your hands until the liquid is absorbed and then gradually add the remainder of the warm water slowly until it has reached a creamy consistency resembling melted ice cream. Beat egg and blend well into mixture. You may not need to use all the water to get it the right consistency or you may have to use more.
Work the mixture with a whisk or electric whisk until most of the lumps are gone. I usually pour the mixture through a sieve or strainer a couple of times to filter out most of the very small lumps, or you may choose to work them lose with your hands.
Let mixture sit in a warm place until it has doubled in size. I usually use the oven on the lowest setting to raise the mixture.
Once doubled in size heat a large skillet on medium heat. Once it is hot, lightly coat surface with olive oil. I spread the olive oil with a paper towel. Pour a ladle-full of mixture into pan and turn the pan to spread it all the way around. You should see the honeycomb holes forming immediately-if not the pan may not be hot enough.
Once the surface has cooked solid, flip the baghrir around and cook an additional minute or so until it is just barely touched with golden-brown. Remove from heat and place on a plate.
melt the butter , not until it boils but just enough to melt it and then add honey.. mix and pour on baghrir.

But you have to serve with Moroccan tea, never forget that, otherwise, it will have no taste.
4 August 2009 18:06
and the MELWI please free thinker , the berber one not any melwi do you know how to make it ??
lmarchouche aussi

yallah ara mateyebptdr


1. 3 measures of fine semolina

2. 1 teaspoon salt
3. 1 cup of Water
4. Butter ~ 1 measure
5. Medium or coarse smolina.


Add salt to the semolina. Knead the semolina with water till the dough is light and smooth.
Divide into little balls.

Sprinkle medium or coarse semolina onto a clean working surface, spread the dough ball with the palm of your hand, stretching gently in all senses until it’s very thin.

Melt the butter and brush it over the dough, sprinkle with medium semolina, then fold two sides back in.
Brush with more butter and sprinkle more semolina then roll the dough.
Put the dough on the working surface so that you can see the folds giving it the shape and spreading the dough, butter, semolina, folding, butter, semolina and rolling.
play gently with the dough like u're playing with a baby.
the rest is easy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2009 06:07 by LibrePenseur.
4 August 2009 19:29
thank you libre penseur you are a starthumbs up
5 August 2009 13:35
Salam All

It's been a while since i wrote something here in the forum..i hope everybody is doing fine..

First of all, Zemmita and Sellou are two different things even if we use the words interchangeably, Zemmita is tchicha of Wheat and Sellou is what we all know

To Librepenseur Salam brother,

i am a little sceptical about your wonderful mixture of engredients of Zemmita you gave, what is Sh3ir and what what is ZRa3, the first is subclass of the latter, also, do we have any traditional soja in Morocco? Foul & chickpea (hommos) & arabic gum are not compatible with the rest, which is mainly ingredients you can add to a lot of traditional meal, such as thyme ...

i might be wrong smiling smiley

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
6 August 2009 17:26
no no you are wrong my friend
for your information i m meknassya and it s from meknes when this name comes from ok
and plus i ve made it at home (jat ghzaaaaaaaaaaaala)Chef
7 August 2009 11:22
It could tji ghzala, even if you add other new compatible engredients..

well, the recipe differs from region to region then but we can't know exaclty frm which part of Morocco - voir north africa - does it come..
7 August 2009 16:37
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