About 44 students from the National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications were taken to the emergency department of the Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat (Souissi) on Sunday due to suspected food poisoning. According to media sources, the students were taken to the hospital after suffering from severe stomach cramps. According to the same source, 34 of them were immediately discharged from the hospital, while ten others were kept under observation. The students suspect that the cause of their
Près de 44 étudiants de l’Institut national des postes et télécommunications (INPT) ont été admis aux urgences du Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Ibn Sina de Rabat, dimanche, à cause d’une intoxication alimentaire. Selon des sources médiatiques, le groupe a montré de premiers symptômes avec de graves crampes d’estomac. Les mêmes sources font savoir que 34 des étudiants ont pu quitter
نُقل حوالي 44 طالبًا وطالبة من المعهد الوطني للبريد والمواصلات إلى قسم المستعجلات بمستشفى ابن سينا في الرباط (السويسي) أمس الأحد، بسبب شبهة تسمم غذائي. وحسب مصادر إعلامية، فقد جرى نقل الطلاب إلى المستشفى، بعد معاناتهم من مغص حاد في المعدة. ووفق المصدر ذاته، فقد غادر 34 منهم
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Moroccan Exporters Confederation (ASMEX) will be organizing a Business Forum aimed at raising awareness and providing information on the opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), reads a press release on Monday. The event, titled «Intra-African Trade: Perspectives and Opportunities», will take place on November 5, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Casablanca. The first edition of the AfCFTA-Morocco
L’événement périodique n’est pas une fin en soi, mais un nid d’initiatives sur le long terme. C’est ce qui ressort du 22e Tanjazz (du 19 au 22 septembre 2024), qui a célébré le jazz à Tanger, ville-hôte choisie cette année par l’UNESCO. Président du festival, Moulay Ahmed Alami revient auprès de Yabiladi sur la symbolique de ce contexte, où les organisateurs
اعترض خفر السواحل التابع للبحرية الملكية، أمس الأحد، على بعد 83 كيلومتر شمال غرب ميناء طانطان، قاربا كان على متنه 54 مرشحا للهجرة غير النظامية ينحدرون من إفريقيا جنوب الصحراء، من بينهم سبع نساء وقاصر واحد. وذكر بلاغ للقيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة الملكية أن المرشحين الذين
The Minister of Agriculture, Sea Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohammed Sadiki, presided over, Monday, the official launch of the 2024-2025 academic year at the Hassan II Agronomic and Veterinary Institute (IAV), and the launch of a new training program for engineers specializing in seawater desalination. The theme of this academic year of higher education and training in agriculture is «Training managers for sustainable water management: developing skills, adopting
A ceremony marking the completion of the first stage of restoration work and improvements to the chapel of the Toumliline monastery, located in the heights of Azrou, was held on Saturday. This first stage of restoration is the fruit of collaboration between the «Mémoires pour l'Avenir» Foundation, the Ta'aruf Inter-convictional Center of the Rabita Mohammedia des Oulema, with the support of the Belgian Foundation «Future 21» and USAID. In a statement to MAP,
In response to a video that went viral on social media showing a girl being harassed by a group of young men, police in Tangier on Sunday evening arrested a 15-year-old on suspicion of involvement in the case. The suspect, along with other people, had subjected a girl to violence and sexual harassment on a public street in Tangier, which drew strong condemnation from social media users. Investigations are still ongoing to arrest the other participants and accomplices involved in the
Wind-blown dust from the Sahara, a desert spanning across North Africa, is crucial for ocean life, a new study revealed on September 20. The secret is in the iron carried by Saharan dust which helps tiny ocean plants, known as phytoplankton, grow. In their study, titled «Long-range transport of dust enhances oceanic iron bioavailability», and published by Swiss peer-reviewed, open-access, scientific journals publisher Frontiers, scientists explain that the growth of phytoplankton