Le 14 novembre 1975, l’Espagne, le Maroc et la Mauritanie ont signé l’accord de Madrid. Ce document attestait de la fin de l’occupation espagnole au Sahara occidental qui durait depuis près d’un siècle. Grâce à cet accord, le Sahara occidental a été divisé entre les deux pays. Décryptage historique.
في 14 من شهر نونبر من سنة 1975، وقعت إسبانيا مع كل من المغرب وموريتانيا اتفاق مدريد، وهو الاتفاق الذي أنهى الاستعمار الاسباني للصحراء الغربية والذي دام قرابة قرن من الزمن، وتم بموجبه اقتسام الصحراء الغربية بين البلدين.
Après les violences, place à la polémique. Depuis les affrontements de la semaine dernière entre supporters israéliens du Maccabi Tel Aviv et les jeunes d'Amsterdam, ceux d’origine marocaine ont été taxés d’antisémites. Alors que l’enquête a établi que les tensions avaient commencé du côté israélien, l’extrême droite s’invite au débat, en
On Tuesday, November 12, Morocco and Mauritania held the 5th session of the Joint Military Commission in Rabat. This has been an annual event since it was launched in the Kingdom's capital in January 2020. At this latest session, the FAR Inspector General, General Mohammed Berrid, and the Mauritanian Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces emphasized the «need to further consolidate cooperation between the two Armed Forces in terms of border security and the fight against immigration and
فهد لعمومي ، مهندس مغربي متخصص في علوم الفضاء يبلغ من العمر 38 عامًا، يحقق نجاحات كبيرة في عالم تكنولوجيا الدفاع. بصفته المدير التنفيذي لشركة " Ballistic Defense System" التي تتخذ من الرباط مقرًا لها، يقود فهد تطوير الروبوتات الطائرة المستقلة لأغراض دفاعية. بحبه للابتكار ونظره الثاقب
Morocco is participating in the high-level meeting to launch the US initiative of Global Forum to Prevent Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism, or Global (FTPRNT). At the meeting, held November 13-15 in Bucharest, Romania, by the US State Department and Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Redouane Houssaini, Director of United Nations and International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Resident Abroad, highlighted the security challenges facing
Fahd Laamoumi, a 38-year-old Moroccan aerospace engineer, is making waves in the world of defense technology. As the CEO of Ballistic Defense System, a company based in Rabat, Morocco, he's at the forefront of developing autonomous flying robots for defense purposes. With a passion for innovation and a keen eye for future trends, Laamoumi is driving Morocco’s technological advancement and contributing to global security.
Dès l’annonce de la sortie de sa traduction du néerlandais vers l’arabe, l’autobiographie de Rahma El Mouden a suscité un grand engouement au Maroc. Rencontrer l’autrice, c’est aller à la rencontre d’une personnalité aussi forte que résiliente et inspirante, à l’image de son livre, «Rahma : le chemin vers ma liberté». Mais bien loin des états d’âme, l’opus
Fatim-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Traditional Industry, Social Economy and Solidarity, revealed that the number of tourists reached 14.6 million by the end of October, surpassing the entire year's record for 2023 in just 10 months. This exceptional performance represents a 19% increase compared to the same period in 2023, with 2.3 million additional arrivals. This remarkable growth concerns both foreign tourists, up 22% (1.3+ million), and Moroccans living abroad, up 16% (1+
Minister of Transport and Logistics Abdessamad Qaiouh said on Monday in the House of Representatives that a project to set up a railway carriage factory in Morocco is expected to be implemented. In response to a question posed by the Istiqlal Team for Unity and Equilibrium during an oral question session, Qaiouh explained that this factory will be able to supply the National Railway Office with these wagons and export them to a number of African countries. The minister highlighted that the