بعد 17يوم على فيضانات سموكن الواقعة بجماعة تمنارت، عثرت السلطات المحلية على اخر الجثث التي جرفتها السيول التي شهدتها المنطقة يوم 08 شتنبر 2024. وبحسب حقوقيين في المنطقة، تم هذا الصباح العثور على جثة أخر مفقودة في فاجعة اسموكن، ليرتفع عدد الوفيات الى 14. وبهذا تكون طاطا قد
Chris Jansen, the Netherlands' newly appointed Secretary of State for Infrastructure and Water Management, has retracted his support for Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders' 2014 call for «fewer Moroccans» in the country amid growing backlash from across the political spectrum. During a Monday morning television appearance, Jansen reiterated his agreement with Wilders' remarks, which had been ruled insulting to Moroccans as a group by Dutch courts. The comments drew swift
Algerian media and political organizations accused Morocco of instigating the riots during a football match in Algiers, where a fan lost his life. Meanwhile, Tunisia's Football Federation lodged a complaint with CAF regarding the violence their team faced during the match.
راجع "مركز التجاري للأبحاث" تقييمه للسعر المستهدف لسهم "اتصالات المغرب" رافعا قيمته إلى 117 درهما، مانحا إياها إمكانية ارتفاع قدرها 24 في المئة في أفق سنة 2025.وأوضح المركز في تقريره الأخير "Research Report - Equity" الصادر تحت عنوان "اتصالات المغرب: الصمود يؤتي أكله" أن هذه التوقعات
كما جرت العادة، لم تنتظر وسائل إعلام وتنظيمات سياسية جزائرية الكثير من الوقت، لتشير بأصابع الاتهام إلى المغرب، في أعمال الشغب التي شهدتها مباراة مولدية الجزائر والاتحاد المونستيري التي جرت بالجزائر العاصمة يوم السبت الماضي وخلفت وفاة أحد المشجعين.
A French national was arrested last week in Ifrane on suspicion of murder. The alleged crime took place during a brawl in Bordeaux last May. Quoting the Public Prosecutor's Office, which confirmed the arrest, French newspaper Le Parisien and news agency AFP report that the 19-year-old was on the run in Morocco, where he had taken refuge in the Middle Atlas. According to the same sources, «the extradition procedure has begun» and is expected to take «generally six months to
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is paying special attention to the situation of the Moroccan community in Lebanon, according to well-informed sources. They added that with the first manifestations of the crisis, a crisis cell was set up to track the situation of the Moroccan community in Lebanon. The same sources emphasized that the cell is working continuously to react to the developments of the situation and take the necessary measures. They confirmed that according to the available
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères, de la coopération africaine et des Marocains résidant à l’étranger a annoncé la mise en place d’une cellule de crise pour les concitoyens qui se trouve au Liban, à la suite des attaques d’Israël contre le pays. L’objectif est de suivre la situation de la communauté marocaine au Liban, tout en travaillant en permanence pour réagir aux évolutions
Un ressortissant français a été arrêté, la semaine dernière à Ifrane, pour soupçons d’un meurtre qui serait survenu lors d’une bagarre en mai dernier à Bordeaux. Citant le parquet qui a confirmé cette interpellation, le journal Le Parisien et de l’agence de presse AFP rapportent que l’individu âgé de 19 ans était en fuite au Maroc, où il s’est réfugié dans
Five people have been sentenced to prison for inciting mass migration to Ceuta in connection with events that took place last week in the Fnideq region. The Tetouan court sentenced two of them to six months in prison, while the other three will serve three months. Last week, the Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman, Mustapha Baitas, announced that 152 people had been referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office for their alleged involvement in the spread of