«A delegation from the Polisario led by M’Hamed Khadad and Ahmed Boukhari met last night with the UN Secretary-General’s personal envoy for Western Sahara», a source told Yabiladi. The talks between the two sides took place at the UN headquarters in New York. This is the first official contact between members of the Front and the UN envoy, Horst Köhler. «It is believed that they have discussed the situation of the MINURSO. The separatist movement is not
Muslims in the United Kingdom encounter significant barriers in workplace according to a study issued last week by the Social Mobility Commission, an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Cabinet Office, the Department for Education and the Department for Work and Pensions. As reported by Eastern Eye, an online newspaper, the survey’s findings suggest that «in the economically active population, one in five (19,8 per cent) of the Muslim population is in
Two Jewish women were verbally and physically assaulted by a drunken man who mistook them for Muslims at a Queens subway station, police sources told New York Daily News, an American online newspaper. The two Orthodox Jewish women, a daughter and her mother, were leaving the station when Dimitrious Zias, a 40-year-old man allegedly beaten them for looing like Muslims. «Get out of my country, you dirty Muslim», the man said on Wednesday 13th of September after punching the mother
An explosion in Parsons Green metro station in south-west London has left several injured this morning after a white bucket exploded BBC reports. A wave of panic erupted after the alarms at the metro went off. BBC London presenter Riz Lateef told the same source that «there was panic as people rushed from the train, hearing what appeared to be an explosion», she added «people were left with cuts and grazes from trying to flee the scene. There was lost of panic». The
Trente-six personnes ont été blessées, dont une grièvement suite à un grave accident qui a eu lieu mercredi soir à Rabat entre deux autocars. Le drame a eu lieu au niveau d'un croisement à l'avenue Al Fadila (Cité Yaacoub Mansour), à la suite d'une collision entre un autocar de transport de voyageurs et un bus transportant les joueurs du Fath de Casablanca, section football (amateurs). Les blessés ont été
The Moroccan basketball team is qualified to play at the semifinal stage of the AfroBasket 2017, co-organized by Tunisia and Senegal after winning against Egypt (66-62). In a statement to media, Moroccan basketball coach Said Bouzidi said that the Moroccan qualification to the semifinals at the AfroBasket 2017 is «a historical achievement». He insisted that «the players managed their quarterfinal game and succeeded in exploiting the strengths of the Egyptians». Bouzidi
La sélection marocaine de basket-ball devra affronter, vendredi, son homologue tunisienne aux demi-finales de l'Afrobasket-2017 (messieurs), co-organisé par la Tunisie et le Sénégal, après sa victoire sur l'Egypte (66-62). Dans une déclaration à la presse, l'entraîneur de la sélection marocaine de basket-ball, Said Bouzidi, a indiqué que la qualification marocaine aux demi-finales de l'Afrobasket-2017 est un "exploit
Le prix Cheikh Aissa Ben Ali Al Khalifa a organisé, jeudi au siège du secrétariat général de la Ligue arabe, une cérémonie en hommage aux pionniers des actions bénévoles dans le monde arabe, dont le chercheur marocain et directeur du Centre d’études et de recherches en sciences sociales (CERSS), Abdallah Saaf. Le président d’honneur de l’association bahreïnie Al Kalima Al Tayiba (la bonne
Le premier espace d'information maroco-allemand pour la migration et l’insertion professionnelle a été lancé, jeudi à Casablanca au sein de l'Agence nationale de promotion de l'emploi et des compétences (ANAPEC - La Résistance). Cet espace, premier de son genre au Maroc, est le fruit d’une coopération étroite entre l’ANAPEC, la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, et la Zentrale
A young Canadian couple originally from the Maghreb appeared in court on Tuesday 12th of September in Montreal, reports Le Devoir, a local online newspaper. El Mahdi Jamali and Sabrine Djermane, a young couple from Montreal, aged 20 and 21 respectively, are accused of «attempting to leave Canada to commit a terrorist act abroad, possessing an explosive device, facilitating a terrorist act and committing a terrorist act under the direction of a terrorist group». They were