King Mohammed VI chaired Friday, October 9, the opening of the new parliamentary year. On this occasion, the Sovereign delivered a virtual speech at the royal palace in Rabat. The speech addressed the royal roadmap of the post-Covid-19 period, laid out on July 30.
In his speech, the King presented, with supporting figures, the recovery plan which is based on restructuring priority sectors, such as agriculture, tourism and industry, and the adoption of social measures.
The State will spearhead this strategy, with the creation of the «Mohammed VI Investment Fund». «The allocation of these loans will encourage Moroccan and international partners to support the fund's interventions and contribute to future investment projects», underlined the Sovereign. The Fund will rely, in its interventions, on specialized sector funds which are attached to it.
Agriculture and rural development will by the priority to help the economy recover. The King expects «medium term» investments estimated at 38 billion dirhams in this sector. «This investment effort will generate added value representing the equivalent of around two additional GDP points annually. It will also promote significant job creation over the next few years», he said.
The social aspects, the other lever of the economic recovery strategy
«Our concern has always been that the dynamic of economic development is linked to the promotion of the social sector, to the improvement of the living conditions of citizens». This is the other lever of the recovery strategy presented by the Monarch.
«First, extending compulsory medical coverage by the end of 2022, so that 22 million additional beneficiaries have access to Basic Health Insurance, which covers the costs of care, drugs, hospitalization and treatment.Second: generalizing family allowances which will thus benefit nearly seven million children, for the benefit of three million families.Third: broadening the base of members of the pension system by including around five million Moroccans among the active population without a right to a pension.Fourth: compensating young Moroccans losing employment».
The success of these social measures depend on the launch of an «extended consultation with all the partners» and «the establishment of an innovative and efficient management of this project, with creating a unified body to coordinate and supervise social protection schemes».
The strategy presented this Friday by King Mohammed VI imperatively requires the adoption of «principles of good governance and accountability», the Sovereign insisted. «State institutions and public enterprises must show an exemplary attitude and act as a lever for development, and not as a brake».
«In fact, the success of the economic recovery plan and the establishment of a new social contract require a real change in mentalities and a real change in the level of performance of public establishments», the King concluded.