A Barcelona court ordered, Monday, the detention of three suspected jihadists, arrested Friday in Spain. They are two Libyan citizens and a Moroccan who arrived in Barcelona with the intention of preparing attacks and accused of constituting a terrorist organization, according to El Mundo.
The terrorists arrived in Spain by boat from Algeria and crossed the country by car, from the province of Almería to Barcelona. Two of them settled in Barcelona with the help of a «facilitator» while the third took care of finding them accommodation in Barcelona.
Meanwhile, a fourth jihadist, based in France, tried to cross the border to join the group, but was detained by French police authorities, the same sources indicate. One of the members of this cell is also on the list of ex-fighters who left for Syria to join the ISIS.
The investigation began when Spanish agents learned of the arrival in Spain on Christmas Eve of a «potentially dangerous» citizen from Algeria. He was then located in Barcelona, where he was with other people.