

Algeria’s ambassador to Morocco blurs a framed photo of him and King Mohammed VI

The Algerian and Swedish ambassadors standing before a blurred photo that shows King Mohammed VI and the Algerian diplomat. / DR
The Algerian and Swedish ambassadors standing before a blurred photo that shows King Mohammed VI and the Algerian diplomat. / DR

Algeria’s ambassador to Morocco has received in Rabat the Swedish ambassador. During this meeting, the Algerian diplomat chose the most awkward way possible to hide a souvenir with King Mohammed VI while posing for a photo with the Swedish ambassador.

To take the photo, Abdelhamid Abdaoui and Anne Höglund stood in front of a framed photo of the King that was blurred. For fear of being seen as a royal admirer, the diplomat probably thought that no one would see the «little» touch-up.

Immediately after it was published on the Embassy's Twitter account, Moroccan Internet users spotted the blurred photo. The ambassador quickly removed the photo, which was already taken by Radio Algérie Internationale.

The blurred picture comes after Algerian TV channel caricatured the King of Morocco in a talk show that was denounced by Moroccan internet users.

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