

Tourist mocked online after tattoo fail in Morocco

A tourist gets a tattoo of the word mayonnaise in Arabic while visiting Morocco. / Ph. DR
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A Swedish tourist has been ridiculed online after posting a video on the tattoo she got while visiting Morocco. While sojourning in the kingdom, solo traveler Caitlin Delphine impulsively decided to get matching tattoos with two other tourists that were staying at the same hostel, Daily Mail reported.

Surprisingly, the tattoo was not a deep word with a significant meaning. The young traveler inked the word «mayonnaise» in Arabic on her skin.

Earlier this month, the tourist shared a video of her adventure on TikTok only to get hilarious reactions. «POV: You get matching tattoos in Morocco with people you met ten days ago in a hostel ago» captioned the video, which showed someone holding the google translator camera on the phone over the tattoo, revealing that it reads mayonnaise. 

Be it a choice or a mistake, the video viewed more than 1 million times went viral, with comments mocking the tourist. «As a Moroccan, I can definitely confirm that spells out mayonnaise», one TikTok user wrote. «You'll never forget it at the store again. Personal permanent shopping list», another one joked.

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