
Wide Angle

Comedy, nostalgia and other everyday life situations with the Moroccan puppets

In a series of sketches on Instagram, a group of young Moroccans use puppets to reflect daily, yet funny, situations.

The Moroccan puppets, an Instagram account with sketches on Moroccan families. / Ph. Moroccan Puppets
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Have you ever related to a puppet, been in the same situation as one? A Moroccan puppet, dressed like most of us, using the same movie and song references we Moroccans understand. The answer lies within the Moroccan puppets, an Instagram show with tens of sketches that manages to be lighthearted, funny and relatable.

They are rod puppets put in everyday life situations, situations that are typical to Moroccans. The short temper of your mother, whenever you ask a silly question, that terrifying moment when you were little and pressed the wrong button on the TV’s remote control and the iconic games you used to play with cousins during family reunions. All in short and funny videos created by a group of talented young Moroccans.

«The show is meant to reflect our day-to-day life, us Moroccans, through a new format that is unique and intriguing», Youssra, a member of the team behind Moroccan Puppets, told Yabiladi. Over the phone, her voice was familiar, as she is the voice actor for the show’s female puppets.

«I coordinate between the team members and participate to the content creation process, in addition to voice acting», said the young content creator. Together with five other talented Moroccan artists, they pitch ideas, make puppets from scratch, write scripts, and shoot their sketches. «We brainstorm and work together, depending on the capacities of each of us. The final result is often a product that each one of us sees themselves in», she proudly told Yabiladi.

A new way of creating comedy content online

Produced by digital marketing firm Ahla Media, Moroccan puppets has quickly gained fame among Moroccans, not only for its trendy and funny videos, but mostly for its uniqueness. «We chose to do a puppet show because we believe it is a form of art that’s been neglected in this day and age», she explained. Also because its «unusual, nostalgic and unlike anything on the Internet», Youssra added.

Working with puppets is also a smart production move for the group of young content creators. «It is very flexible to produce content and shoot sketches using puppets, you are not limited, costume, time and location wise, everything can be changed and created easily», Youssra explained.

Moroccan puppets, crafted by a handy member of the team, have bigger dreams and are planning to soon launch their own show. «We have big plans for the Moroccan puppets, new ways of creating comedy content on the Internet and why not in the future also new ways of presenting a product to the consumer», Youssra hoped.

As for her personal experience, the young Casablanca-based content creator said that the show had helped her learn more about herself. «I have always felt that I had a knack for voice acting, but the show helped me discover that hidden talent», she proudly declared. 

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