

Sahara : After football, Algeria launches the Polisario theater

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Following the May 2023 creation of a Polisario football team, Algeria further bolstered its support by launching the Polisario theater on Saturday, January 27th.

A troupe from the Tindouf camps staged «El khatwa el akhira» (The Last Step) in Algiers, funded through a March 2023 agreement between the Algerian Ministry of Culture and the Polisario. Algerian artists also trained the Sahrawi actors.

The play travels next to the Tindouf camps for the 48th anniversary of the creation of the so-called «SADR» on February 27th.

This theatrical initiative follows Algeria's financing of the Polisario football team, which debuted against Mouloudia of Algiers on May 20th at the Nelson Mandela stadium. Notably, President Tebboune and General Chengriha inaugurated the stadium earlier in January.

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