

Moroccan cities learn from German city to save energy with LED streetlights

The city of Bamberg, Germany. / Ph. DR
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The German city of Bamberg and its utilities shared their expertise in energy-efficient LED street lighting with three Moroccan cities: Agadir, Béni Mellal, and Benslimane. This collaboration, funded by the German government, helped the Moroccan cities develop plans to reduce their energy consumption significantly, German media reported on Friday.

Bamberg itself achieved a 75% reduction in street lighting electricity use by switching to LEDs. This example highlighted the massive energy-saving potential for Moroccan cities, especially given their long summer evenings and bustling nightlife during Ramadan.

The project resulted in concrete initiatives for each Moroccan city. Agadir is establishing a training center for skilled workers in energy efficiency and public lighting. Benslimane will be modernizing the lighting of the main Hassan II Boulevard using energy-efficient LEDs.

Béni Mellal is creating a reference document for renewing the entire public lighting network across the city.

Representatives from all four cities met in Agadir in November 2023, expressing their commitment to continue collaborating on energy and environmental projects.

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