

Moroccan oasis gets second life as startup and partners launch restoration effort

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French-Moroccan startup Sand to Green, known for reviving deserts, has joined forces with 700,000 Hours Impact, a pioneer in regenerative hospitality, and Regenopolis, dedicated to community and ecosystem regeneration.

Together, they're tackling the revitalization of the Tiskmoudine oasis in southern Morocco. Their goal: empower the local community and preserve its rich cultural and natural heritage.

This initiative aligns with the vision of the village association, aiming to revive the old village abandoned 50 years ago and rebuild economic activity around the oasis, as reported in a press release sent to Yabiladi on February 5th.

The 44-hectare oasis, home to roughly 100 residents, boasts a remarkable diversity of agriculture and culture. An initial assessment will analyze current production practices, water management, biodiversity, and social/cultural dynamics. February will see the setup of two test plots before wider implementation across the oasis.

«This partnership is crucial for our mission of holistic regeneration in Tiskmoudine», says Diane Binder of 700,000 Hours Impact/Regenopolis. «By integrating sustainable agriculture and valuing the region's heritage, we empower the local community».

«This collaboration exemplifies how innovation and tradition can join forces for a sustainable future», adds Wissal Ben Moussa of Sand to Green. «Oases, with their unique agri-urban systems and deep cultural ties, offer valuable lessons for regenerating our communities».

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