

Sahara : Polisario leader Brahim Ghali visits Ireland

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Brahim Ghali, leader of the Polisario Front, and his delegation commenced meetings in Ireland on Wednesday. They engaged with parliamentarians, representatives of political groups, unions, civil society, and the Polisario solidarity movement, according to the Front news agency.

Details of potential meetings with government ministers or President Michael D. Higgins, known for his support of the Polisario, remain unconfirmed. Though holding an honorary role, Higgins has expressed strong pro-Polisario sentiments in the past.

Notably, in 2012, he hosted Mohamed Abdelaziz on an official visit, sparking Moroccan disapproval and the recall of its ambassador. Similarly, in 2019, the President received a Polisario delegation delivering a written message from Ghali.

Beyond presidential backing, the Polisario enjoys support from various Irish parliamentary groups, particularly those of leftist and environmentalist leanings.

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