

Sahrawis seek ceasefire, Polisario vows continued fight

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For several weeks now, Saharawis living in the Tindouf camps have been calling in audio messages for a return to the September 1991 ceasefire. They believe that the resumption of hostilities, which took place on November 13, 2020, has not benefited the Polisario. In addition to the high death toll for a population of just a few tens of thousands from Western Sahara, they are concerned about the loss of control over the «liberated territories».

However, the Polisario leadership has chosen to ignore these appeals. Brahim Ghali, head of the Polisario, emphasized his position in a speech on Sunday at the opening of the Fisahara 2024 film festival. «We will not make the same mistake again», he declared. «The Polisario Front will not be fooled twice. The fighting will continue».

Bashir Mustapha Sayed echoes this hawkish political line. Last week, he called on Polisario supporters in the Sahara to carry out terrorist attacks against «Moroccan occupation» and «foreign investment» in the province.

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