
Wide Angle

Diaspo #337 : Ilyas Elkadaoui, investing in Morocco to contribute to local development  

After ten years of experience in France, Ilyas Elkadaoui decided to move to Morocco and invest in his home country, setting up a water filtration company and investing in luxury real estate in Marrakech.

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In recent years, many expatriates have considered returning to their home countries and investing in their development. Ilyas Elkadaoui, who grew up in a French-Moroccan family «in the 19th arrondissement of Paris», decided to use his skills to contribute to the development of his home country.

Born in Paris in 1989, Ilyas grew up surrounded by French and Moroccan cultures, but «soon became aware of the social differences» and persevered in his training for a «serious career».

«I was curious and independent from an early age and growing up in a diverse environment enriched my vision of different social classes and lifestyles», he told Yabiladi. After obtaining a master's degree in Human Resource Management, Ilyas went on to explore the world, from London to Miami, broadening his horizons and knowledge.

Growing up in a family of merchants and artisans, he discovered entrepreneurship at an early age and was hooked from the start. As part of his commitment to sustainable development, he started an organic farming company in 2009.

Two years later, he sold his business to explore new countries. After working as a private driver for international corporate clients for five years, he launched Carweo, a French car rental company, in 2017. However, recognising the opportunity to realise greater potential, he made the brave decision to close Carweo to focus on a more ambitious vision.

He went on to found Infinity Luxe, a lifestyle management company offering a range of high-end services, revolutionizing the luxury experience by providing chauffeured luxury cars, personalized concierge services, private jets and other services to wealthy clients around the world. The company was a testament to Ilyas's ability to seize opportunities and find innovative solutions to meet market needs.

«My mission is to create personalised, exclusive, and memorable travel experiences for my clients, offering them high quality service, optimum security and complete flexibility. I am passionate about developing new business opportunities and meeting the most demanding needs. I am committed to fostering a culture of innovation, diversity and social responsibility within my team and partners».

Commited to contribute to the development of Morocco

After more than 10 years of entrepreneurial experience in France, Ilyas Elkadaoui felt the need to apply his skills and expertise in Morocco. Convinced of the importance of contributing to the development of his home country, he took the bold decision to extend his activities to Morocco. One of his most notable initiatives is the Clean Water Treatment, which he launched alongside two partners.

Driven by a sincere desire to make a difference in the lives of the local population, this project is much more than just a business for him. «It's a personal mission and a way to give back to the community and show a connection to the country and the African continent as a whole».

«To create a project like this across Africa would be a real achievement for me», he said, emphasizing the rigor and empathy required to make such a project a success.

Investing in the future

As well as this project to improve access to quality water in Morocco, Ilyas is also interested in luxury real estate in the country. By creating Marrakech Properties, he is enabling investors to buy, sell and rent luxury properties in one of Morocco's most vibrant cities.

He is contributing not only to the economic development of the region, but also to the preservation of its cultural and architectural heritage. Today, Ilyas is a perfect reflection of the emerging dynamism of French-Moroccans who want to contribute to the development of their homeland. 

His commitment to Morocco's development via his water treatment project and his investments in luxury real estate, demonstrates his holistic vision of economic and social progress. Ilyas wants to provide models that «demonstrate the hope and potential of cross-border cooperation for a prosperous and sustainable future».

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