

Spain warns citizens against travel to Tindouf camps

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The Spanish government has warned citizens against traveling to the Tindouf camps in Algeria, considering it a dangerous region.

Collaborators must also consider recommendations from the Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID). They are required to inform the Spanish General Consulate in Oran and the AECID office in Algeria beforehand.

The ministry also urges Spaniards planning to travel despite the warnings to avoid bringing donations for the Sahrawis. Donations «require mandatory approvals from Algerian authorities», explains the Spanish diplomat.

Algeria and the Polisario Front closely monitor humanitarian aid. In 2020, the Front required Spanish organizations to use their own transportation for aid deliveries.

The Polisario even threatened confiscation of products by Algerian authorities for any «disobedience». Spain had already advised against travel to the Tindouf camps in February, which upset the Polisario.

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