

Belgian museum acquires replica mosasaur skeleton from Morocco

A replica skeleton of a mosasaur purchased from Morocco. / Ph. vzw Grotten van Kanne
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The Caves of Kanne museum in Riemst, Belgium, a non-profit organization, has purchased a replica skeleton of a mosasaur from Morocco, VRT reported on Wednesday.

The giant marine reptile that lived 70 million years ago will be a new addition to the museum's collection. The impressive skeleton measures 4.5 meters long and boasts 70 vertebrae, powerful jaws, and sharp teeth.

Museum chairman Bart Eersels spotted the Moroccan replica for sale online and knew it was a perfect fit. «We simply had to have it», Eersels explained. «A fossil like this is incredibly unique, and we're thrilled to offer it to our visitors».

The impressive skeleton boasts a 65 cm by 35 cm skull and offers a glimpse into the prehistoric world. While the museum keeps the purchase price confidential, Eersels confirms it exceeded €10,000 due to the rarity of the piece.

Visitors can see the mosasaur skeleton exhibited in the museum's marl quarry, every Saturday and Sunday.

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