

Italian-Moroccan journalist showcases immigrant success stories at SIEL

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As part of the program organized by the Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) at the International Book and Publishing Fair (SIEL) in Rabat, Italian-Moroccan journalist Karima Moual presented her book entitled «Cold in Italy and other stories of an Italy born elsewhere».

A round table discussion promoting the book, published by Luiss University (Rome), brought together Halima Hadir, an Italian-Moroccan textile engineer and fashion designer, and Yassine El Aouak, founder of the Italian company «ParkingMyCar». Both are success stories of young people from the Moroccan diaspora living in Italy, just like the author of the book.

The idea of publishing this book arose from the need to deal with the phenomenon of migration in Italy from a different angle than that generally proposed by the foreign media, offering a perspective that goes beyond the challenges and policies often covered.

The writer wanted to deconstruct the stereotypical image conveyed by the media, telling 11 stories of immigrants who have succeeded in Italy thanks to their entrepreneurial initiatives, including three Moroccans. The aim is to contribute to a change in mentalities and to offer a positive image of immigrants in society.

In her view, the journeys of these young immigrants illustrate the added value of being a culturally-dual entrepreneur for any immigrant, contributing to the development of both the host country and the country of origin.

The journalist expressed her pride in her cultural roots, both Moroccan and Italian. She is committed to raising public awareness of the positive role of dual belonging, so that immigration is no longer associated solely with tragedy.

«For me, cultural duality and my identity, which blends two different cultures, have made me benefit from all that is good in both», Halima Hadir told MAP. «Living between two worlds makes us stronger and offers us greater opportunities, not the other way around».

Yassine Al Aouak shares this idea, asserting that the duality of knowledge and culture enables young immigrants to be more innovative than those who have evolved in a single culture.

For the record, the 29th edition of SIEL, in which the Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) is taking part, runs until May 19, with programming under the theme «écrire le Maroc, raconter le monde» (writing about Morocco, telling the world).

The program has been devised around four themes, and features some thirty activities, in the presence of some sixty speakers from Morocco, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Qatar and Germany.

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