

Algeria accuses Morocco of «draining dams» on shared border

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The Algerian government accuses Morocco of «systematically draining the dams» located along its western border. Algerian Minister of Hydraulics, Taha Derbal, made the accusation during his participation in the 10th International Water Forum held in Bali, Indonesia.

«We condemn what is happening on our western borders», Derbal said in a statement to the daily El Khabar. «We will bring this issue to the attention of all international players in the vital water sector».

Derbal declared that Algeria intends to «take its concerns to the global level in order to raise awareness and develop a rigorous plan to limit the aggravation of the neighboring country's practices».

The Minister's stance included boycotting Moroccan Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch's speech at the 2nd International Water Forum and the presentation of the 8th Hassan II Great World Water Prize, awarded this year to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

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