

Chellah reopens after restoration, unveiling new visitor experience

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The Regional Development Company «Rabat Region Historical Heritage» (RRPH) has announced the reopening of the Chellah archaeological site to visitors, following the completion of restoration work that began in 2021.

A press release sent to Yabiladi details RRPH's mission entrusted by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication. This includes managing and operating the Chellah, improving public access and facilities, and enhancing the site's appeal through new exhibitions showcasing its rich history and culture. Additionally, the company aims to develop a «sustainable economic model» to finance the site's long-term conservation, restoration, and improvement activities.

In line with this vision, RRPH is committed to «creating a system that involves relevant players, including local stakeholders and economic actors, in the management and promotion of the Chellah». This strategic site in the heart of the capital boasts immense historical and archaeological value, as evidenced by its classification as a historic monument since 1920 and its inclusion on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2012.

To ensure the site's enduring appeal, «a series of measures have been implemented», the press release highlights. These measures include the creation of a new visitor itinerary, an audio guide service, a dedicated website, and a partnership offering new experiences and services.

The tour itinerary begins in the ancient city, showcasing its Roman remains. The second stage takes visitors on an immersive journey through the Merinid necropolis, offering a glimpse into the medieval era. The tour concludes in the final section, the gardens of the Towers.

The newly launched website,, provides comprehensive information about the Chellah. Visitors can explore the site's fascinating history, learn about archaeological excavations, and discover unearthed artifacts. The website also allows online booking and ticket purchases.

Ticket prices start at 70 dirhams, with audio guides costing 120 dirhams per person. A 50% discount is offered to Moroccan citizens and foreign residents in Morocco.

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