

Morocco Justice Minister calls hotel marriage checks illegal

Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi. / Ph. DR
Estimated read time: 1'

During an upper house session at the parliament, Tuesday, Moroccan Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi, said that requiring couples to show a marriage certificate when checking into a hotel is illegal and a violation of their privacy.

«Isn't this a violation of their private life? What is the legal foundation behind this request?» Ouahbi argued. «If the law doesn't explicitly require it, then demanding it is illegal».

The Minister went even further, stating that «those who ask for this document should be sued».

This aligns with the Minister's previous stance on personal freedoms in Morocco. He had previously criticized hotels for questioning unaccompanied female clients. He called the practice of some hotels refusing reservations to women residing in the same city unlawful.

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