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Moroccans in Ukraine fear conscription, call on authorities for help

Since Ukraine's new military mobilization law came into effect, Moroccan citizens with dual Ukrainian citizenship fear being conscripted into the combat zones against Russia. They have called on the Moroccan authorities to intervene.

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A few days ago, Ukraine's new conscription law came into force, following a vote in Parliament and approval by President Zelensky. The new law makes military service compulsory for all Ukrainian citizens and dual nationals who are old enough to join the army and fight alongside Ukrainian forces against Russia.

With this text, the government is seeking to overcome the «recruitment crisis» in the ranks of Ukrainian soldiers, as the war has been going on since February 24, 2022. Faced with this situation, dual nationals among the foreign communities have remained in a state of uncertainty.

The aim of the Ukrainian authorities is to recruit over 500,000 fighters. To this end, any failure to comply with the conscription procedure will result in the revocation of a range of rights, such as work permits and state benefits. In addition, dual nationals may be denied consular services, in addition to other sanctions applicable to all.

Sweep operations in search of conscripts

Over the past few days, the Ukrainian army has begun to step up its identification operations in the streets of the country's cities. In particular, it is making sure that all eligible men - Ukrainians and those with dual nationality - are properly registered for conscription. Those registered are taken to centers dedicated to compulsory military service.

In contact with Yadiladi, a binational long-term resident of Ukraine who requested anonymity said that «bearers of Ukrainian nationality have been banned from leaving the territory for a long time». «Sweep campaigns have become a daily occurrence. Going to the market or leaving your home has become dangerous», he confided.

«We are Moroccans first and foremost. Despite our Ukrainian nationality, our original nationality is Moroccan», he added. With this in mind, he called on the Moroccan authorities to intervene, «to prevent our fellow citizens in Ukraine from being mobilized on the war front».

He stressed that «the destiny of Moroccans with liberal professions is the army and the battlefield». «Russia will not consider us as Ukrainian citizens, but as foreign mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian army», warns the Moroccan national.

«We live in a constant state of fear that we have never known before», he confides. He also points out that «any refusal to register with the army is considered a breach of the law». As a result, «Moroccan nationals with Ukrainian citizenships who have left the country will become wanted persons».

Ukrainian citizens try to leave the country

In his view, anxiety is not limited to dual nationals. The feeling has become general in the country, especially as many Ukrainians are trying to circumvent the campaigns led by the army, or are trying to leave a territory whose borders are highly guarded by the authorities, who prevent any exit.

Those without Ukrainian citizenship also face difficulties leaving, as their travel documents may have expired and access to Moroccan consular services is limited. The outbreak of war forced the Moroccan consulate to relocate to Warsaw, Poland.

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