

Facing challenges, Polisario replaces military region heads

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Brahim Ghali has replaced the heads of all six Polisario military regions, according to a former member of the Front who spoke to Yabiladi on condition of anonymity.

The change coincided with the celebration of «Saharawi Army Day» on May 20. It was prompted by a number of considerations, such as the death of the former head of the 6th military region in a Royal Armed Forces (FAR) drone strike in November 2023. His predecessor suffered the same fate two months earlier.

In addition to these deaths, the management of these zones by certain commanders is criticized by the troops. The mutiny in the 1st military region on April 12 is a case in point. For the record, elements of the Polisario militia detained their leader, without any order from their superiors. They accused him of diverting large quantities of fuel (around 25 tonnes) to the Mauritanian market.

This incident was immediately followed on April 17 by a military meeting in the Algerian capital between Brahim Ghali, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Algerian Army Chief of Staff General Said Chengriha and Polisario militia leader Mohamed El Ouali Akik.

With these new changes, the Polisario leadership is attempting to remotivate its troops from poor families, while the «war» against Morocco, launched on November 13, 2020, has achieved nothing on the ground. A resumption of arms that is openly criticized by Saharawis on social media.

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