

US, Morocco armies train together in chemical, biological, nuclear response

US, Morocco conduct chemical, biological, radioactive, and nuclear response demonstration at African Lion 2024. / Ph. US Army
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Moroccan Royal Armed Forces (FAR) and US Army soldiers conducted joint training on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) procedures and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) during African Lion 2024.

«EOD specialists deal with chemical weapons as well as explosives», explained U.S. Army Spc. Maitlan Cherry, from Oceanside, California, an EOD specialist with the 53rd Ordnance Company. «So far, training with the Moroccan Armed Forces shows we share a common foundation in EOD».

The EOD and CBRN training involved practicing with a robot retrieving a simulated improvised explosive device (IED) and transporting it to a safe zone. Additionally, the 53rd Ordnance Company coordinated a bomb suit run, while FAR soldiers practiced destroying the device and decontaminating the area.

«We've collaborated closely with the Moroccan team to set up this exercise», said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. David Sanderson, the regional cooperative engagement deputy for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). «We're extremely impressed by the FAR's outstanding performance today. They exceeded all expectations, which truly exemplifies the strong cooperation between the U.S. and Morocco».

This training is one of many exercises conducted throughout African Lion. Each day, partner nations participate in various missions testing their readiness across different military capabilities, as reported by the US Army.

The multinational military exercise is taking place from April 19 to May 31 in Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia, with over 8,100 participants from 27 nations and NATO contingents.

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