

Moroccan-born lawyer faces racist attacks in Italian election bid

Moroccan lawyer Khaoula Kanjaoui. / Ph. DR
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Moroccan-born lawyer Khaoula Kanjaoui has been subjected to a wave of racist and sexist online attacks after announcing her candidacy in the upcoming local elections in Maranello, Italy.

According to Italian daily La Pressa, Kanjaoui is running on a civic list called «Italia del Futuro» (Italy of the Future).

The attacks against Kanjaoui primarily targeted her origins and her specialization in immigration law. She has been called «a clandestine immigrant» and told to «go back to her own country», and has received numerous threats of violence.

Kanjaoui responded to some of the hateful and racist comments, asserting her status as a fully integrated member of Italian society.

«I am 30 years old, and I have been living in Italy since the age of two», she said. «I obtained family reunification with my parents, who came from Morocco. I have two younger brothers, both born in Italy».

Kanjaoui studied law in Modena and is currently practicing there after moving from Sassuolo where she grew up.

The hateful comments against Kanjaoui have received widespread condemnation from Italian politicians and civil society groups, with many praising Kanjaoui for her courage.

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