

Moroccan workers exploited in French vineyards, trafficking ring busted

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Following months of investigation, authorities intervened on May 27th to dismantle a human trafficking operation exploiting workers in the Gironde and Lot-et-Garonne departments of France. Gendarmes targeted workers' housing in Monségur, a town in the Entre-deux-Mers wine region, and the Marmandais area.

The operation resulted in finding fifteen Moroccan employees. Three lacked proper documentation, and all faced poor working conditions. They received partial wages and were housed in overcrowded, mold-infested dwellings described as «close to insalubrity» by Ouest-France.

Five members of a Moroccan family are allegedly involved. Three appeared before a Bordeaux magistrate on May 29th and were remanded in custody. Two others face judicial supervision with restrictions on leaving the country and contacting victims. Their trial will be held on June 10th before the criminal court.

This intervention follows an investigation launched in October 2023 in Gironde, prompted by complaints filed since September 2022. Dozens of Romanian workers reported «unworthy» living conditions, bullying, and various deprivations.

The investigation revealed that these workers, including a 14-year-old minor, were recruited in Romania, transported to Gironde, and exploited for meager wages. Seven people were arrested in Saint-Emilion on suspicion of «organized human trafficking» and subjecting Romanian workers to «unacceptable» conditions.

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