

Morocco empowers entrepreneurs with motor disabilities in innovative bootcamp

Bootcamp for young entrepreneurs with motor disabilities. / Ph. USAID
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The Beni Mellal-Khénifra region of Morocco held in May its first-ever program to empower young entrepreneurs with motor disabilities. Dubbed «Odyssées Plus», the program is a collaborative effort supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment (ANAPEC), Entraide Nationale, and the Inclusive Socio-Economic Development in Béni Mellal-Khénifra (ISED-BMK) project, supported by Family Health International 360 (FHI 360).

The program includes an annual competition open to young entrepreneurs with motor disabilities aged 18-29 residing in the Béni Mellal-Khénifra region. Participants receive comprehensive entrepreneurial support throughout the program.

This includes profiling sessions, group training workshops, and individual coaching to develop their business plans.

A bootcamp was held for the top projects selected by regional committees. Participants received further guidance from ANAPEC and Entraide Nationale experts, as well as international experts, to refine their pre-developed business plans. The bootcamp took place from May 29 to 31, 2024, at the Institute for Training in Health Professions, and Social Action in Beni Mellal.

The winning projects will receive financial support and technical assistance through ISED-BMK's small grants program, which aims to promote inclusive economic development in the region, reads a press release by USAID.

The «Odyssées Plus» bootcamp includes three phases, namely group mentoring sessions, individual pitch preparation and structuring sessions, and a final pitch.

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