

Algeria seeks Russia's support on Western Sahara at UN decolonization meeting

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The Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Vershinin, received the Algerian ambassador to Moscow, Guennad Boumédiène, «at his request», according to a statement from Russian diplomacy.

«Particular attention was paid to the upcoming session of the Special Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on Decolonization (C-24)», scheduled for later this month in New York.

Algeria has used this international platform to advocate for the positions of the Polisario. During the last session of the C-24, held from May 14 to 16 in Caracas, Morocco responded to Algeria's attacks on the Western Sahara issue by calling for the self-determination of the Kabyle people.

The talks between the two parties also covered «Russo-Algerian interaction in the UN Security Council on various issues on its agenda, including conflicts in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Sahel-Saharan region».

During the same meeting, Russia and Algeria welcomed their «convergence of views» on international issues. Russia is a member of the UN's C-24.

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