

Vox proposes Spain-Morocco border wall for European elections

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In Spain, Vox still insists on its project to build a reinforced concrete wall to separate Ceuta and Melilla from the rest of Morocco. The party has resurrected its old proposal to include it in its manifesto for the European elections on June 9.

«Strengthen our borders. Build an impenetrable wall in Ceuta and Melilla. Equip the police and armed forces with all the material and human resources so that they can protect our borders with total efficiency», recommends Vox. The party, led by deputy Santiago Abascal, wants to «demand that Morocco fully recognize and respect Spanish sovereignty over Ceuta and Melilla».

Vox has also called for the «closure of fundamentalist mosques, the expulsion of imams who propagate fundamentalism, misogyny or jihad» and the «prohibition of the teaching of Islam in public schools».

The various opinion polls conducted in Spain since the start of the European election campaign are unanimous in placing Vox in third place (between 7 and 10 MEPs) behind the PSOE and the Popular Party.

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