

Kenya : A close ally of Morocco running for the presidency of the African Union Commission

Raila Odinga / DR
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Raila Odinga, who lost in the Kenyan presidential elections in August 2022, now aims to lead the African Union Commission. Kenyan President William Ruto is supporting his former rival from the 2022 election for this position.

Ruto has already secured Algeria's backing for Odinga's candidacy. «I have held discussion with President Tebboune, Algeria, on the sidelines of G7 meeting in Apulia, Italy, who has pledged support for Kenya's Africa Union -Commission chairmanship bid», Ruto wrote on X on Friday.

Raila Odinga is known for supporting Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara. In March 2015, he led a Kenyan delegation to the Crans Montana Forum in Dakhla, where he spoke about strengthening ties between Maghreb countries and sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2017, under President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya nominated former Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed for the African Union presidency. This move was meant to block Chadian Moussa Faki, who was seen by Algeria as close to Morocco and Israel.

The next African Union summit, set for February 2025, will elect a new president of the AU Commission.

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