

Morocco Justice Minister addresses hotel couple control concerns raised by PJD

Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice / DR
Estimated read time: 1'

The Moroccan Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi, reaffirmed on Tuesday evening on the state-owned Al Aoula channel that it is illegal for hotels to request a marriage certificate from couples when checking in.

«Reception staff in tourist establishments do not have the authority to question clients about their marital status. It is a violation of the private lives of Moroccans», Ouahbi emphasized, adding that only police are competent to ask such questions.

«I am not interested in people who go to hotels to engage in sexual relations outside of marriage. I am more concerned with legally married couples, such as those traveling from Fez to Marrakech who want to check into a hotel but forgot their marriage certificate. When they are denied access, they are forced to spend the night in their car», Ouahbi said in an indirect response to the PJD's criticisms.

It is worth noting that the PJD women's organization called the Minister of Justice's stance «irresponsible», claiming it would lead to «the dismantling of Moroccan society, stripping it of its values and morals». The Islamic party’s Secretary General, Abdelilah Benkirane, also condemned Abdellatif Ouahbi's position on this matter.

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