

Polisario seeks support from Namibia amid South Africa tensions

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The President of Namibia, Nangolo Mbumba, in office since February 24th, received the Polisario representative in Windhoek on Thursday, June 20th. Brahim Ghali's envoy emphasized «the need for unity and friendship in the Southern region», according to the Namibian presidency on X.

President Mbumba reminded his guest of «historical ties between Namibia and Western Sahara», the same source added.

The head of state also «reaffirmed Namibia's position and support for the Saharawi people's pursuit of independence and human rights», emphasizing that Namibia will not change its position.

This interview comes twenty-four hours after the inauguration of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, a ceremony boycotted by the Polisario and Algeria.

Alongside South Africa, Namibia is known for its defense of the Polisario, particularly within the Southern African Development Community. In March 2019, Windhoek hosted an African solidarity conference for the Front, jointly organized by South Africa and Namibia.

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