

Opposition parties condemn Israeli warship's docking in Moroccan port

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The docking of an Israeli warship in the port of Tangiers has sparked criticism from several Moroccan opposition political bodies. The Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS) expressed strong disapproval, stating, «In light of ongoing brutal Israeli aggression, normal relations with Israel or allowing an Israeli military vessel to dock in a Moroccan port are unacceptable», voiced by the comrades of Nabil Benabdellah.

Echoing this sentiment, the political bureau of the Fédération de gauche démocratique (FGD) rejected any form of relations between the Moroccan state and the Zionist entity. The FGD denounced the permission granted to «a ship belonging to the Zionist army of occupation to dock at the port of Tangiers», calling it a blatant violation of the International Court of Justice's decision and an encouragement to the racist Zionist enemy to continue its genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza, as well as its attacks on the West Bank and southern Lebanon.

Additionally, the PJD group of deputies questioned Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita in writing on Tuesday, asking him to «clarify for the public the truth behind the information circulating about this ship, which docked at the port of Tangiers to refuel and resupply».

These reactions come in response to the press release issued on Saturday, June 22, by the «Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalization», which condemned the discreet approval for an Israeli warship to dock at the port of Tangiers.

Meanwhile, the United Socialist Party plans to address this issue at their national council meeting scheduled for Sunday, June 30, in Casablanca, according to a source within the left-wing party who spoke to Yabiladi.

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