

Presidential elections in Mauritania : Ould El Ghazouani re-elected in first round

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Voters in Mauritania have re-elected Mohamed Cheikh Ould El Ghazouani to a second term as president of the country. His candidacy for the June 29 presidential elections won 56.12% of the votes cast in the first round, according to the final results published on Monday by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI).

Opponent Biram Dah Abeid, 59, came second with 22.10% of the vote. Supporters of the abolitionist activist staged demonstrations in the streets of Nouakchott on Sunday evening, but these were quickly dispersed by the police.

Ould El Ghazouani began receiving messages of congratulation for his victory in the June 29 elections, notably from the presidents of the United Arab Emirates and Senegal.

The general, who had swapped his military uniform for civilian attire, has been in power since 2019. During these years, relations between Morocco and Mauritania have improved significantly compared to the era of former president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, with the resumption of visits by ministers from both countries and the revival of military and security cooperation.

Nevertheless, official exchanges between King Mohammed VI and Ould El Ghazouani are limited to a telephone call on November 20, 2020, a week after the intervention of the Royal Armed Forces in El Guerguerate, and messages sent on religious and national holidays.

Mauritania still recognizes the «SADR».

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