

Spain-Morocco collaboration thwarts Jihad network

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The Moroccan General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST), in collaboration with the Spanish Civil Guard, arrested nine people on July 2 for promoting jihad in Melilla, Alcobendas, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), and Malaga. As part of their efforts to counter terrorist threats, the authorities analyzed restricted online messaging groups where terrorist propaganda and indoctrination materials were shared.

The Spanish Interior Ministry recalls that the Guardia Civil information service began an investigation in 2023 into a group of young people, mainly in Melilla. The investigation revealed a larger network that had developed online and offline, with some members embracing the most extreme and violent ideologies of jihadist terrorist groups.

Much of the seized propaganda belonged to terrorist organizations like ISIS (Daech) and its affiliate ISIS-Khorasan Province (Daech-KP). The online proselytizing aimed to indoctrinate others and led to contacts with like-minded individuals in Malaga and Madrid.

By the final phase of the operation, the individuals involved had adopted the violent ideology of jihad.

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