

Morocco opens door for importing pet food animal meal

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Morocco has created a new system for importing animal meals, specifically for use in dog and cat food, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported in a July 9th announcement.

This framework, implemented by the Moroccan government for the first time, now permits the use of animal meal specifically in dog and cat food production. The new regulation, issued by Morocco's Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires (ONSSA), has the potential to expand the use of rendered products in other animal feeds in the future.

The new code, referred to as N05, outlines the import conditions for animal meals used exclusively as raw materials in dog and cat food production. Additionally, ONSSA details the risk management procedures for both the import and use of these meals by authorized facilities.

Under these new regulations, importing animal meals into Morocco requires several steps. This involves evaluating the country of origin for the ingredients, examining the production facilities, and verifying the model health certificate.

For first-time importers, authorized animal meal manufacturers must submit an import application containing: A self-monitoring program based on HACCP principles, outlining the animal species used in production; a technical sheet detailing the production methods and incorporation rate of animal meal in dog and cat food; a comprehensive traceability plan for imported animal meals; a documented recall plan.

The ONSSA's general directorate will be issuing authorization for importing animal meals into Morocco. This authorization will include the allowed import quantity, country of origin, manufacturer details, and the approved health certificate model.

ONSSA emphasizes that under these new regulations, animal meal manufacturers are responsible for ensuring their products are used exclusively in Moroccan dog and cat food production.

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