

King Mohammed VI : «The situation in Gaza requires a final solution beyond crisis management»

(with MAP)
Estimated read time: 1'

In his Throne Day speech, King Mohammed VI stated, «The situation in our country does not mean we are oblivious to or insensitive to the tragedy befalling our Palestinian brothers and sisters|.

«As Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, I facilitated an unprecedented route through which we delivered urgent food and medical aid to our brothers and sisters in Gaza», he said.

«With the same spirit of commitment and responsibility, I continue to support constructive initiatives aimed at finding practical solutions, achieving a tangible and permanent ceasefire, and addressing the humanitarian situation», he added.

He emphasized that «the deteriorating conditions in the region require moving beyond crisis management to seek a final solution to the conflict, based on the following :

- First : Ending the war in Gaza is an urgent priority, but this must be achieved alongside opening up political avenues for a just and lasting peace in the region.

- Second : Engaging in negotiations to revive the peace process between the Palestinian and Israeli sides requires preventing extremists from either side from derailing the process.

- Third : Complete security and stability in the region can only be realized within the framework of the two-state solution, with Gaza as an integral part of the territory of the independent Palestinian state, and East Jerusalem as its capital».

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