
Wide Angle

Moroccan politicians hail release of jailed journalists and bloggers

Former officials and ministers celebrated the royal pardon granted to a number of journalists and bloggers on the occasion of Throne Day. Meanwhile, the Moroccan Association for Human Rights emphasized that the joy remains incomplete until all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in the country are released.

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Social media was abuzz yesterday with photos of journalists, bloggers, and activists who were released after a royal pardon on the occasion of Throne Day. Many viewed this as a significant step, anticipating the potential pardon of other activists, particularly those involved in the Rif Hirak movement.

In a post shared to his Facebook page, former Minister of Justice and Freedoms Mustapha Ramid remarked «what some expected and others doubted has come to pass». He continued, «His Majesty the King issued a generous pardon to a group of journalists, political activists, and others, on the occasion of the glorious Throne Day».

Ramid expressed his admiration, saying «His Majesty's admirers, myself included, have every reason to be proud of his wisdom. It is the duty of others to acknowledge it». He added «once again, thank you, Your Majesty. We had high hopes, and on this glorious Throne Day, you have confirmed that you remain a source of goodness and mercy. Thank you to all the distinguished aides who contributed to this noble national achievement».

He concluded «we continue to believe in our King and expect even more from him. May it be soon, God willing... and God does not waste the reward of those who do good».

Former Prime Minister and AMDH

Former Prime Minister Saadeddine El Othmani also responded to the pardon decision, stating on Facebook «great joy after the royal pardon announced today for Taoufik Bouachrine, Omar Radi, Souleiman Raissouni, as well as activists Reda Taoujni and Youssef Hirash, after serving varying custodial sentences in different judicial cases».

He added «it is a great national celebration for which jurists and all lovers of the country rejoice, thanks first to God, and then to His Majesty the King, may God protect him».

Mohamed Nabil Benabdallah, Secretary-General of the Progress and Socialism Party, wrote on his Facebook page «today we received very good news with great joy and deep emotion: the royal pardon for several journalists who were detained or prosecuted».

«In response to this generous royal initiative with strong human rights implications, we can only express our gratitude to His Majesty the King for responding to the calls of democratic and human rights forces. We congratulate those involved in this bold step as Morocco celebrates Throne Day and 25 years of His Majesty's rule», he added.

«We will always aspire, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to a brighter future where development and democracy prevail, and the space for freedoms and human rights expands», he concluded.

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH), the largest human rights organization in the Kingdom, described this release as «an important gain achieved through the unified struggle of the human rights movement and the democratic, national, and international movement». They emphasized that «joy remains incomplete until all political detainees and prisoners of conscience in our country are released, especially the detainees of the Rif Hirak, Figuig, bloggers, and others».

The association renewed its call «to clear the prisons of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and to close the file of political detention once and for all in our country».

On Monday, July 29, King Mohammed VI issued a pardon for 2,476 people, including journalists Taoufik Bouachrine, Omar Radi, Souleiman Raissouni, as well as a group of bloggers and anti-normalization activists.

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