

Algeria vows retaliation after France recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Sahara

Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf. / Ph. DR
Estimated read time: 1'

After withdrawing its ambassador from Paris in response to France's recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara, Algeria has vowed to take further measures. Yesterday, Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf confirmed in a press conference that «the initial step of withdrawing the ambassador is not just a call for consultations but a reduction of Algerian representation in France».

Attaf described this move as a «strong expression of disapproval» and indicated that Algeria is assessing the implications of France’s action. «We are evaluating everything necessary in response to the French decision and will take further steps to express our rejection of France's position», he said.

He argued that the French decision «will not contribute to advancing the political process but will only deepen the deadlock that has surrounded the Sahrawi issue for over 17 years».

Attaf explained that French authorities had informed Algeria through their ambassador in Paris about the content of the letter that the French President intended to send to the Moroccan king, particularly regarding the Sahara. On instructions from the highest levels of the Algerian government, the ambassador in Paris conveyed Algeria's concerns to the French authorities, warning of the serious repercussions and consequences of the move.

Attaf characterized the French action as a «a trade of empty favors», a phrase he repeated to underscore his point.

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