

PJD criticizes member exclusion from census organization

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The Justice and Development Party (PJD) has condemned the «exclusion» of its members from participating in the organization of the 2024 general census, scheduled for September 1-30.

«After being selected like other citizens and completing all preparation and training stages, they have been sidelined solely because they belong to the Justice and Development Party», the PJD's secretariat general stated in a press release issued on Thursday, August 8.

The Islamist party, led by Abdelilah Benkirane since October 2021, considers this «exclusion» unacceptable and a violation of the Constitution and the law, which assert that political affiliation is not a crime.

The PJD has called on «the competent authorities to intervene and rectify this error», so that its members may «exercise their constitutional rights and contribute as citizens to this important national project».

The general census is organized in coordination between the Ministry of the Interior and the High Commission for Planning (HCP).

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