

Melilla-based patrol boat commander issues Morocco a warning

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Manuel Ángel López has assumed command of the patrol boat «Isla Pinto», based in the port of Melilla.

The military officer, who took office on August 1, 2024, has issued warnings to Morocco. «We must remind Morocco that Spain maintains sovereignty over the two cities of Ceuta and Melilla and has territorial waters with associated rights that must be respected», he emphasized in press statements on Monday. «Moroccan boats cannot fish in Spanish territorial waters without authorization», he added.

«Ceuta and Melilla are strategically important for Spain, and the islets [Vélez de la Gomera, Alhucemas, and Chafarinas] are crucial for defense. The Navy's role is to control our areas of sovereignty, both on land and at sea. We also monitor the Strait of Gibraltar to ensure that Moroccan Navy patrol boats are aware of our presence and that of the Guardia Civil».

Manuel Ángel López

López's visit coincided with Defense Minister Margarita Robles' visits to the islets claimed by Morocco on Monday and Tuesday.

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