

PJD demands dismissal of Morocco Justice Minister, citing religious and social concerns

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The honeymoon period between Abdelilah Benkirane and Abdellatif Ouahbi has come to a definitive end. Ouahbi's appointment as Minister of Justice in October 2021 and his advocacy for expanding individual freedoms in Morocco, including the decriminalization of consensual same-sex relations, have exacerbated tensions between the two men.

The PJD, led by Benkirane, has launched a campaign to oust Minister of Justice Ouahbi. The party accused Ouahbi of mocking a religious text related to the presence of Satan in situations involving unmarried men and women. Ouahbi responded sarcastically, suggesting that Satan should provide identification.

The PJD emphasized that the Justice Ministry has traditionally been held by high-ranking officials and questioned Ouahbi's qualifications. The party's women's organization also criticized the minister for declaring illegal requests for women to present marriage certificates when checking into hotels, deeming these statements irresponsible and harmful to Moroccan societal values.

Ouahbi was once considered the PAM member closest to the PJD. In August 2017, he visited Benkirane's home to present his book on Article 47 of the Constitution.

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